owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
2. Press the ENTER button to turn ON/OFFUsetheand the ENTER buttons to select● Spanish
the alert. and change the unit. , , and the ENTERbuttonsto
Units Usethe
Tire Pressures select and change the language of the vehicle
The units that are shown in the vehicle informa-The unit for tire pressure that displays in theinformation display. The language of the center
tion display can be changed:vehicle information display can be changed to:display/navigation can be changed indepen-
dently of the vehicle information display. For ve-
● Mileage ● psi hicles not equipped with Navigation refer to
● Tire pressures ● kPa “ENTER/SETTINGbutton:”andvehicles
equipped with Navigation refer to “How to use
● Temperature ● bar the button” in the “Monitor, climate, au-
● Kgf/cm2 dio, phone and voice recognition systems” sec-
Usethe, , and the ENTERbuttonsto tion of this manual.
select and change the units of the vehicle infor-Usetheand the ENTER buttons to selectFactory Reset
mationdisplay.Theunitsofthenavigationscreenand change the unit.
can be changed independently of the vehicleTemperatureThesettingsinthevehicleinformationdisplaycan
information display. For vehicles equipped withbe reset back to the factory default. To reset the
Navigation, refer to “How to use thebut-Thetemperaturethatdisplaysinthevehicleinfor-vehicle information display:
ton” in the “Monitor, climate, audio, phone andmation display can be changed from:1. Press thebutton.
voice recognition systems” section of this● °F(Fahrenheit)
manual. 2. Use thebuttons to select “Settings”,
Mileage ● °C(Celsius) and press the ENTER button.
The unit for the mileage that displays in the ve-UsetheENTERbuttontotogglechoices.3. Select “Factory Reset”using thebut-
hicle information display can be changed to:Languagetons and press the ENTER button.
● miles, MPG The language of the vehicle information display4. Select “YES” to return all settings back to
can be changed to: default by pressing the ENTER button.
● km/h, km/l
● km/h, l/100km ● USEnglish
● French
2-24 Instruments and controls

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year of production from: 2013

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