owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
WARNING If the windshield wiperoperationisinterruptedby
In freezing temperaturesthewashersolu-its motor. If this occurs, turn the wiper switch to
tion may freeze on the window and ob-theOFFpositionandremovethesnoworicethat
scure your vision which may lead to anis on andaroundthewiperarms.Inapproximately
accident. Warm the window with the de-1minute, turn the switch on again to operate the
froster before you wash the window.wiper.
● Donotoperatethewashercontinuously
for more than 30 seconds.
● Donotoperate the washer if the reser-
voir tank is empty.
LIC0474● Donotfill the window washer reservoir
Security indicator light with washer fluid concentrates at full
The security indicator light blinks whenever thestrength. Some methyl alcohol based
ignition switch is placed in the OFF, LOCK orwasher fluid concentrates may perma-
ACC(if so equipped) position. This function in-nently stain the grille if spilled while
dicates the NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer Systemfilling the window washer reservoir.
is operational. ● Pre-mix washer fluid concentrates with
If the NISSANVehicleImmobilizerSystemismal-water to the manufacturer’s recom-
functioning, the light will remain on while themendedlevels before pouring the fluid
ignition switch is placed in the ON position.into the window washer reservoir. Do
If the light still remains on and/or the en-notusethewindowwasherreservoirto
gine will not start, see a NISSAN dealer formix the washer fluid concentrate and
NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System ser-water.
vice as soon as possible. Please bring all
your NISSAN dealer for service.
Instruments and controls 2-31

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year of production from: 2013

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