owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
Current fuel consumption:thebutton for longer than one second.● Whendriving uphill or rounding curves, the
The current fuel consumption mode shows the(The trip odometer is also reset at same time.)fuelinthetankshifts,whichmaymomentarily
current fuel consumption.Trip odometer: change the display.
Average fuel consumption:Thetripodometermodeshowsthetotaldistance5. Navigation (if so equipped)
The average fuel consumption mode shows thethe vehicle has been driven since the last reset.Whentherouteguidanceissetinthenavigation
average fuel consumption since the last reset.Resetting is done by pushing thebuttonsystem, this item shows the navigation route in-
Resetting is done by pushing thebuttonfor longer than one second. (The elapsed time isformation.
for longer than one second.also reset at same time.)6. Audio
The display is updated every 30 seconds. At4. Distance to empty (dte – mile or km)Theaudiomodeshowsthestatusofaudioinfor-
about the first 1/3 mile (500 m) after a reset, theThe distance to empty (dte) mode provides youmation.
display shows “_ _”. with an estimation of the distance that can be7. Driving aids (if so equipped)
2. Average speed (MPH or km/h)driven before refueling. The dte is constantly be-Thedriving aids mode shows the operating con-
ing calculated, based on the amount of fuel in thedition for the following systems.
The average speed mode shows the averagefuel tank and the actual fuel consumption.
vehicle speed since the last reset. Resetting isThe display is updated approximately every● LaneDeparture Warning (LDW)
donebypushingthebuttonforlongerthan30seconds.● Blind Spot Warning (BSW)
one second.
The display is updated every 30 seconds. AtThe dte mode includes a low range warning● Forward Collision Warning (FCW)
about the first 1/3 mile (500 m) after a reset, thefeature. If the fuel level is low, the warning isFor additional information, refer to “Blind Spot
display shows “_ _”. displayed on the screen.Warning (BSW) system /Lane Departure Warn-
3. Elapsed time and trip odometer (mile orWhen the fuel level drops even lower, the dteing(LDW)system”and“ForwardCollisionWarn-
km) display wil change to “_ _”.ing (FCW) system ”in “Starting and diving”sec-
● If the amount of fuel added is small, thetion of this manual.
Elapsed time: display just before the ignition switch is
lastreset.Resetting is done by pushingbe displayed.
2-20 Instruments and controls

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