owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
CHECKINGLIGHTS WARNINGLIGHTS Lowbrakefluid warning light
With all doors closed, apply the parking brake,orAnti-lock BrakingWhen the ignition switch is placed in the ON
fastentheseatbeltsandplacetheignitionswitchSystem (ABS) position, the light warns of a low brake fluid level.
in the ON position without starting the engine.warning lightIf the light comes on while the engine is running,
Thefollowinglights(ifsoequipped)willcomeon: with the parking brake not applied, stop the ve-
When the ignition switch is placed in the ONhicle and perform the following:
, or , , or position, the ABS warning light illuminates and1. Check the brake fluid level. Add brake fluid
Thefollowinglights (if so equipped) will come onthen turns off. This indicates the ABS is opera-as necessary. For additional information, re-
briefly and then go off: tional. fer to “Brake fluid” in the “Maintenance and
If the ABS warning light illuminates while thedo-it-yourself” section of this manual.
or , , , , , engine is running or while driving, it may indicate2. If the brake fluid level is correct, have the
SPORT, the ABS is not functioning properly. Have thewarning system checked by a NISSAN
If any light does not come on or operate in a waysystem checked. It is recommended you visit adealer.
other than described, it may indicate a burned-NISSANdealerfor this service.
outbulband/orasystemmalfunction.Itisrecom-If an ABS malfunction occurs, the anti-lock func-WARNING
mended that you have the system checked by ation is turned off. The brake systemthenoperates● Your brake system may not be working
NISSANdealer. normally but without anti-lock assistance. Forproperly if the warning light is on. Driv-
Someindicatorsandwarningsarealsodisplayedadditional information, refer to “Brake system” ining could be dangerous. If you judge it
on the vehicle information display between thethe “Starting and driving” section of this manual.to be safe, drive carefully to the nearest
speedometer and tachometer. For additional in-orBrake warning lightservice station for repairs. Otherwise,
formation, refer to “Vehicle information display”in have your vehicle towed because driv-
this section. Thislightfunctionsforboththeparkingbrakeanding it could be dangerous.
the foot brake systems. ● Pressing the brake pedal with the en-
Parking brake indicator gine stopped and/or a low brake fluid
level may increase your stopping dis-
When the ignition switch is placed in the ONtance and braking will require greater
position, the light comes on when the parkingpedal effort and pedal travel.
brake is applied.
2-16 Instruments and controls

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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