owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
Turn signal/hazard indicatorWhile the VDC system is operating, you mightNISSANIntelligent Key® door buzzer
lights feel slight vibration or hear the system workingThe Intelligent Key door buzzer sounds if the
whenstartingthevehicleoraccelerating,butthisIntelligent Key is left inside the vehicle when
Theappropriatelightflasheswhentheturnsignalis normal. locking the doors. When the buzzer sounds, be
switch is activated. AUDIBLEREMINDERS sure to check both the vehicle and the Intelligent
BothlightsflashwhenthehazardswitchisturnedBrake pad wear warningKey. For additional information, refer to “NISSAN
on. Intelligent Key®” in the “Pre-driving checks and
Thediscbrakepadshaveaudiblewearwarnings.adjustments”section of this manual.
Vehicle Dynamic Control Whenadisc brake pad requires replacement, it
(VDC) off indicator lightmakes a high pitched scraping sound when the
This indicator light comes on when the VDC offvehicle is in motion, whether or not the brake
switch is pushed to OFF. This indicates the VDCpedalis depressed. Have the brakes checked as
system is not operating. soon as possible if the warning sound is heard.
Push the VDC off switch again or restart theKey reminder chime
engine and the system will operate normally. ForA chime sounds if the driver’s door is opened
additional information, refer to “Vehicle Dynamicwhile the ignition switch is placed in the ACC (if
Control (VDC) system”in the “Starting and driv-so equipped) or OFF position or placed in the
ing” section of this manual. OFForLOCKpositionwiththeIntelligentKeyleft
in the vehicle. Make sure the ignition switch is
TheVDClightalsocomesonwhenyouplacetheplaced in the LOCK position, and take the Intelli-
ignition switch in the ON position. The light willgent Key with you when leaving the vehicle.
turn off after about 2 seconds if the system isLight reminder chime
operational. If the light stays on or comes on
along with theindicator light while you areWith the ignition switch placed in the OFF posi-
driving, have the VDC system checked by ation, a chime sounds when the driver’s door is
NISSANdealer. openedif the headlights or parking lights are on.
Turn the headlight control switch off before leav-
ing the vehicle.
Instruments and controls 2-15

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