owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
For additional information, refer to “Security sys-TheVDClightalsocomesonwhenyouplacetheLight reminder chime
tems”in this section. ignition switch in the ON position. The light willWith the ignition switch placed in the OFF posi-
Slip indicator light turn off after about 2 seconds if the system istion, a chime sounds when the driver’s door is
operational. If the light stays on or comes onopenedif the headlights or parking lights are on.
ThisindicatorwillblinkwhentheVehicleDynamicalong with theindicator light while you are
driving, have the VDC system checked by aTurn the headlight control switch off before leav-
Control (VDC) system or the Traction ControlNISSANdealer. ing the vehicle.
System (TCS) is operating, thus alerting that theWhile the VDC system is operating, you mightParking brake reminder chime
vehicle is nearing its traction limits. The roadfeel slight vibration or hear the system working
surface may be slippery. whenstartingthevehicleoraccelerating,butthisAchimesoundsiftheparkingbrakeissetandthe
Turn signal/hazard indicatoris normal. vehicleisdriven.Thechimewillstopiftheparking
lights brake is released or the vehicle speed returns to
TheappropriatelightflasheswhentheturnsignalBrake pad wear warning
switch is activated.
on. Whenadisc brake pad requires replacement, it
makes a high pitched scraping sound when the
Vehicle Dynamic Control vehicle is in motion, whether or not the brake
(VDC) OFF indicator lightpedalis depressed. Have the brakes checked as
This indicator light comes on when the VDC offsoon as possible if the warning sound is heard.
switch is pushed to OFF. This indicates the VDCKey reminder chime
system is not operating. A chime sounds if the driver’s door is opened
Push the VDC off switch again or restart thewhilethekeyisleftintheignitionswitch.Remove
engine and the system will operate normally. Forthe key and take it with you when leaving the
additional information, refer to “Vehicle Dynamicvehicle.
Control (VDC) system”in the “Starting and driv-
ing” section of this manual.
2-12 Instruments and controls

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year of production from: 2013

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