owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
High temperature warning lightLowwindshield-washer fluidIf the power steering warning light illuminates
warning light while the engine is running, it may indicate the
When the ignition switch is placed in the ONpowersteeringsystemisnotfunctioningproperly
position, the high temperature warning light illu-This light comes on when the windshield-washerandmayneedservicing.Havethepowersteering
minatesandthenturnsoff.Thisindicatesthatthefluid is at a low level. Add windshield-washersystem checked by a NISSAN dealer.
high temperature sensor in the engine coolantfluid, as necessary. For additional information,When the power steering warning light illumi-
system is operational.refer to “Windshield-washerfluid”inthe“Mainte-nates with the engine running, there will be no
nance and do-it-yourself”section of this manual.powerassistforthesteeringbutyouwillstillhave
CAUTION Power steering warning lightcontrol of the vehicle. At this time, greater steer-
If the high temperature warning light illu- ing effort is required to operate the steering
minates while the engine is running, itWARNINGwheel, especially in sharp turns and at low
may indicate the engine temperature is● If the engine is not running or is turnedspeeds.
extremely high. Stop the vehicle safely asoff while driving, the power assist forFor additional information, refer to “Power steer-
soon as possible. If the vehicle is over-the steering will not work. Steering willing” in the “Starting and driving” section.
heated, continuing vehicle operation maybeharder to operate.
seriously damage the engine. For addi- Seat belt warning light and
tional information, refer to “If your vehicle● Whenthepowersteering warning lightchime
overheats” in the “In case of emergency”illuminates with the engine running,
section. there will be no power assist for theThe light and chime remind you to fasten your
or Lowfuel warningsteering. You will still have control ofseat belts. The light illuminates whenever the
the vehicle but the steering will beignition switch is placed in the ON or START
light harder to operate. Have the powerposition and remains illuminated until the driver’s
steering system checked by a NISSANseatbeltisfastened.Atthesametime,thechime
This light comes on when the fuel level in the fueldealer.sounds for about 6 seconds unless the driver’s
tank is getting low. Refuel as soon as it is conve-When the ignition switch is placed in the ONseat belt is securely fastened.
nient, preferably before the fuel gauge reaches Eposition, the power steering warning light illumi-
(Empty).Therewillbeasmallreserveoffuelnates. After starting the engine, the power steer-The seat belt warning light may also illuminate if
in the tank when the fuel gauge reaches Eing warning light turns off. This indicates thethe front passenger’s seat belt is not fastened
(Empty), showing no more fuel bars.power steering system is operational.whenthefrontpassenger’sseatisoccupied.For
7 seconds after the ignition switch is placed in
Instruments and controls 2-9

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year of production from: 2013

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