owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
theONposition,thesystemdoesnotactivatethe“Supplemental restraint system” in the “Safety—main switch indicator light comes on, the cruise
warning light for the front passenger.Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint sys-control system is operational.
For additional information, refer to “Seat belts”intem”section of this manual.For additional information, refer to “Cruise con-
the “Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplementaltrol” in the “Starting and driving” section of this
restraint system” section of this manual for pre-WARNINGmanual.
cautions on seat belt usage.If the supplemental air bag warning lightFront fog light indicator light (if
Supplemental air bag warningis on, it could mean that the supplementalso equipped)
front air bag and/or pretensioner systems
light will not operate in an accident. To helpThefrontfoglightindicatorlightilluminateswhen
Whentheignition switch is placed in the ON oravoid injury to yourself or others, havethe front fog lights are ON. For additional infor-
STARTposition, the supplemental air bag warn-your vehicle checked by a NISSAN dealermation, refer to “Front fog lights” in this section.
inglight illuminates for about 7 seconds and thenas soon as possible.
Front passenger air bag status
turns off if the SRS air bag systems are opera-INDICATORLIGHTSlight
tional. This means the system is operational.Automatic transmission
Ifany of the following conditions occur, the Thefront passenger air bag status light will be lit
supplemental front air bags and/or pretensionerposition indicator light (A/Tand the passenger front air bag will be OFF
systemsneedservicingandyourvehiclemustbemodels only)depending on how the front passenger seat is
taken to a NISSAN dealer: being used.
When the ignition switch is in the ON position,Forfrontpassengerairbagstatuslightoperation,
● The supplemental air bag warning light re-this indicator light shows the shift lever position.refer to “Front passengerairbagandstatuslight”
mains on after approximately 7 seconds.For additional information, refer to “Driving thein the “Safety — Seats, seat belts and supple-
● The supplemental air bag warning lightvehicle” in the “Starting and driving” section ofmental restraint system”section of this manual.
flashes intermittently.this manual.
Cruise main switch indicatorHigh beam indicator light
● Thesupplementalairbagwarninglightdoes (blue)
not come on at all. light (if so equipped)
Unless checked and repaired, the supplementalThelight comes on when the cruise control mainThis blue light comes on when the headlight high
restraint systems (air bag systems) may not func-switch is pushed. The light goes out when thebeamsareonandgoesoutwhenthelowbeams
tion properly. For additional information, refer tomain switch is pushed again. When the cruiseare selected.
2-10 Instruments and controls

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year of production from: 2013

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