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owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600

owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
58 Occupantsafety tection in an accident. There is an increasedMethodofoperation risk of injury. Duringthefirststageofacollision,therestraint Havethevehicletowedtoaqualifiedspecial-system control unit evaluates important physi- ist workshop in order to have a deployed aircaldatarelatingtovehicledecelerationoraccel- bag replaced. eration, such as: Rduration It is important for your safety and that of yourRdirection Safetypassenger to have deployed air bags replacedRintensity and to have any malfunctioning air bagsBased on the evaluation of this data, the repaired.Thiswillhelptomakesuretheairbagsrestraint system control unit triggers the Emer- continuetoperformtheirprotectivefunctionforgency Tensioning Devices during a frontal or the vehicle occupants in the event of a crash.rear collision. GWARNING AnEmergencyTensioning Device can only be Pyrotechnic Emergency Tensioning Devicestriggered, if: that have been deployedarenolongeropera-Rtheignition is switched on tional and are unable to perform their inten-Rthecomponentsoftherestraint system are dedprotective function. This poses anoperational. You can find further information increased risk of injury or even fatal injury.under: "Restraint system warning lamp" Ypage45) Therefore, have pyrotechnic Emergency Ten-( sioning Devices which have been triggeredRthebelttongueis engaged in the buckle on immediately replaced at a qualified specialistthe respective front-passenger seat workshop. The Emergency Tensioning Devices in the rear compartmentaretriggeredindependentlyofthe Anelectric motor is used by PRE-SAFE® to trig-lock status of the seat belts. ger the tightening of the seat belt in hazardousVehicleswithbeltbags:thebeltbagsarealso situations. This procedure is reversible.deployeddependingonthetypeandseverityof If Emergency Tensioning Devices are triggeredthe accident. or air bags are deployed, you will hear a bang,Vehicleswitharearrecliningseat:theEmer- and a small amount of powder may also begency Tensioning Device is only triggered if the released. The 6restraint system warningbeltbuckletongueisengagedinthebeltbuckle. lamp lights up. If the seat backrest is reclined, the cushion air Onlyinrarecaseswillthebangaffectyourhear-bagwillalsobedeployeddependingonthetype ing. The powder that is released generally doesand severity of the accident. notconstitute a health hazard, but it may causeIf the restraint system control unit detects a short-term breathing difficulties in people withmoresevere accident, further components of asthmaorotherrespiratoryproblems.Providedthe restraint system are activated independ- it is safe to do so, you should leave the vehicleently of each other in certain frontal collision immediatelyoropenthewindowinordertopre-situations: vent breathing difficulties. RFrontair bags and driver's knee bag gencyT RWindowcurtainair bag, if the system deter- AirbagsandpyrotechnicEmerensioning Devices (ETDs) contain perchlorate material,mines that deployment can offer additional which may require special handling and regardprotection to that provided by the seat belt for the environment. National guidelines mustThefront-passengerfrontairbagisactivatedor be observed during disposal. In California, seedeactivated depending on the person on the www.dtsc.ca.gov/HazardousWaste/ front-passengerseat.Thefront-passengerfront Perchlorate/index.cfm. air bag can only deploy in an accident if the PASSENGERAIRBAGONindicatorlampislit. ObservetheinformationonthePASSENGERAIR BAGindicator lamps (Y page 46).
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year of production from: 2014

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