owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
68 Driving safety systems
cle occupants. There is a risk of an accidentIn wintry driving conditions, always use winter
and injury. tires (M+S tires) and if necessary, snow chains.
Never leave animals unattended in the vehi-Only in this way will the driving safety systems
described in this section work as effectively as
cle. Always secure animals properly duringpossible.
the journey, e.g. use a suitable animal trans-
port box. ABS(Anti-lock Braking System)
SafetyDriving safety systems General information
Overviewofdriving safety systems ABSregulatesbrakepressureinsuchawaythat
the wheels do not lock when you brake. This
In this section, you will find information aboutallowsyoutocontinuesteeringthevehiclewhen
the following driving safety systems:braking.
The !ABSwarninglampintheinstrument
RABS(Anti-lock Braking System) cluster lights up when the ignition is switched
(Y page 68) on. It goes out when the engine is running.
RBAS(BrakeAssistSystem)(Ypage69) ABSworksfromaspeedofabout5mph
Cross-Traffic Assist ( ABSworksonslipperysurfaces,evenwhenyou
Ypage69) only brake gently.
(Y page 71)
R ® Important safety notes
ESP (Electronic Stability Program)
Ypage73) iObservethe"Importantsafetynotes" sec-
REBD(Electronic Brake force Distribution)Ypage68).
( tion (
RPRE-SAFE®Brake(Ypage75) If ABS is faulty, the wheels could lock when
RSTEERCONTROL(Ypage77) braking. The steerability and braking charac-
teristics may be severely impaired. Addition-
ally, further driving safety systems are deac-
Important safety notes tivated. There is an increased danger of skid-
If you fail to adapt your driving style or if you areding and accidents.
inattentive, the driving safety systems can nei-Drive on carefully. Have ABS checked imme-
ther reduce the risk of an accident nor overridediately at a qualified specialist workshop.
the laws of physics. Driving safety systems areWhenABSismalfunctioning, other systems,
merely aids designed to assist driving. You areincluding driving safety systems, will also
responsible for maintaining the distance to thebecomeinoperative. Observe the information
vehicle in front, for vehicle speed, for braking inontheABSwarninglamp(
goodtime,andforstayinginlane.Alwaysadapt Ypage316)anddis-
your driving style to suit the prevailing road andplay messages which may be shown in the
weatherconditionsandmaintainasafedistanceinstrument cluster (
from the vehicle in front. Drive carefully.
Thedriving safety systems described only workBraking
as effectively as possible when there is ade-XIfABSintervenes:continue to depress the
quate contact between the tires and the roadbrake pedal vigorously until the braking sit-
surface. Pay particular attention to the informa-uation is over.
tion regarding tires, recommended minimum
tire tread depths etc. in the "Wheels and tires"XTomakeafullbrakeapplication:depress
section ( the brake pedal with full force.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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