owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Children in the vehicle 61
If the hazardoussituationpasseswithoutresult-restraint system manufacturer's installation
ing in an accident, the original settings areinstructions
restored. Rbesuretoobservetheinstructionsandsafety
Automatic measures after an acci-(OCS)" (Y page 53)
Immediately after an accident, the followingIf you leave children unsupervised in the vehi-
measures are implemented, depending on thecle,theycouldsetitinmotionby,forexample:Safety
type and severity of the impact: Rrelease the parking brake.
RthehazardwarninglampsareactivatedRshift the automatic transmission out of the
Rtheemergencylighting is activatedparking position P.
Rthevehicle doors are unlocked Rstart the engine.
Rthefront side windows are loweredIn addition, they may operate vehicle equip-
Rtheelectrically adjustable steering wheel ismentandbecometrapped.Thereisariskof
raised an accident and injury.
RtheengineisswitchedoffandthefuelsupplyWhenleaving the vehicle, always take the
is cut off SmartKeywithyouandlockthevehicle.Never
Rvehicles with seat belt extenders: the seat-leave children unsupervised in the vehicle.
belt buckles for the outer rear seats are illu-
minated and extend forwards GWARNING
Rvehicles with mbrace: automatic emergency
call If persons, particularly children are subjected
Rvehicles with the hybrid drive system: theto prolonged exposure to extreme heat or
hybrid system and the high-voltage electricalcold, there is a risk of injury, possibly even
system are deactivated fatal. Never leave children unattended in the
Children in the vehicle GWARNING
Important safety notes If the child restraint system is subjected to
Accident statistics show that children secureddirect sunlight, parts may get very hot. Chil-
in the rear seats are safer than children secureddren may burn themselves on these parts,
in the front-passenger seat. For this reason,particularly on the metal parts of the child
Mercedes-Benzstronglyadvisesthatyouinstallrestraint system. There is a risk of injury.
achild restraint system on a rear seat. ChildrenIf you leave the vehicle, taking the child with
are generally better protected there.you, always ensure that the child restraint
If a child younger than twelve years old andsystemisnotexposedtodirectsunlight.Pro-
under 5 ft (1.50 m) in height is traveling in thetect it with a blanket, for example. If the child
vehicle: restraint system has been exposed to direct
Ralwayssecurethechild in a child restraintsunlight, let it cool down before securing the
system suitable for Mercedes-Benz vehicles.child in it. Never leave children unattended in
The child restraint system must be appropri-the vehicle.
ate to the age, weight and size of the child
RbesuretoobservetheinstructionsandsafetyAlways ensure that all vehicle occupants have
notes in this section in addition to the childtheirseatbeltsfastenedcorrectlyandaresitting
properly. Particular attention must be paid to
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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