owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
56 Occupantsafety
For safety reasons, Mercedes-Benz recom-Whenthefront-passenger seat is occupied,
mendsthatyouonlyuseseataccessories thatalways ensure that:
have been approved by Mercedes-Benz.
If the driver's air bag deploys, this does notRtheclassificationofthepersoninthefront-
meanthatthefront-passenger front air bag willpassenger seat is correct and the front-
also deploy. The Occupant Classification Sys-passenger front air bag is enabled or disa-
tem(OCS)categorizes the occupant on thebled in accordance with the person in the
front-passenger seat. Depending on the result,front-passenger seat
Safetytivated. Rthepersonisseatedproperly with a cor-
rectly fastened seatbelt
Systemself-test Rthefront-passenger seat has been moved
GDANGER back as far back as possible
not light up during the system self-test, thepassenger seat may not be used. Do not
system is malfunctioning. The front-install a child restraint system on the front-
passenger front air bag might be triggeredpassenger seat. Have the Occupant Classifi-
unintentionallyormightnotbetriggeredatallcation System (OCS) checked and repaired
in the event of an accident with high deceler-immediately at a qualified specialist work-
ation. This posesanincreasedriskofinjuryorshop.
even fatal injury. GWARNING
In this case the front-passenger seat may notObjects between the seat surface and the
beused.Donotinstallachildrestraintsystemchild restraint system could affect OCS oper-
onthefront-passenger seat. Have the Occu-ation. This could result in the front-passenger
pant Classification System (OCS) checkedair bag not functioning as intended during an
and repaired immediately at a qualified spe-accident. This poses an increased risk of
cialist workshop. injury or even fatal injury.
GDANGER Donotplaceanyobjects between the seat
If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF indicatorsurface and the child restraint system. The
lampremainslitafterthesystemself-test,theentire base of the child restraint system must
front-passengerfrontairbagisdisabled.Itwillalways rest on the seat cushion of the front-
notbedeployedintheeventofanaccident.Inpassenger seat. The backrest of the forward-
this case, the front-passenger front air bagfacing child restraint system must, as far as
cannot perform its intended protective func-possible, be resting on the backrest of the
tion, e.g. when a personisseatedinthefront-front-passengerseat.Alwayscomplywiththe
passenger seat. child restraint system manufacturer's instal-
lation instructions.
That person could, for example, come into
contact with the vehicle's interior, especiallyAfter the system self-test, the PASSENGER AIR
if the person is sitting too close to the dash-BAGOFForPASSENGERAIRBAGONindicator
board.Thisposesanincreasedriskofinjuryorlampdisplays the status of the front-passenger
front air bag (
even fatal injury. Ypage54).
lems with the Occupant Classification System"
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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