owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
High-corrosion areas High temperatures can also acceler-Keep your vehicle clean
If you live in an area where your vehi-ate corrosion of parts that are not
The best way to prevent corrosion is
properly ventilated so the moisture
cle is regularly exposed to corrosive to keep your vehicle clean and free
can be dispersed. For all these rea-
materials, corrosion protection is
of corrosive materials. Attention to
sons, it is particularly important to
particularly important. Some of the the underside of the vehicle is partic-
keep your vehicle clean and free of
common causes of accelerated cor- ularly important.
mud or accumulations of other mate-
rosion are road salts, dust control
rials. This applies not only to the vis-
chemicals, ocean air and industrial • If you live in a high-corrosion area
pollution. ible surfaces but particularly to the
underside of the vehicle.— where road salts are used, near
the ocean, areas with industrial
Moisture breeds corrosionTo help prevent corrosionpollution, acid rain, etc.—, you
Moisture creates the conditions in should take extra care to prevent
You can help prevent corrosion fromcorrosion. In winter, hose off the
which corrosion is most likely to
beginning by observing the following:underside of your vehicle at least
occur. For example, corrosion is once a month and be sure to clean
accelerated by high humidity, partic- the underside thoroughly when
ularly when temperatures are just winter is over.
above freezing. In such conditions,
the corrosive material is kept in con- • When cleaning underneath the
tact with the vehicle’s surface by vehicle, give particular attention to
moisture that evaporates slowly. the components under the fenders
and other areas that are hidden
Mud is particularly corrosive
because it dries slowly and holds from view. Do a thorough job; just
moisture in contact with the vehicle. dampening the accumulated mud
Although the mud appears to be dry, rather than washing it away will
accelerate corrosion rather than
it can still retain the moisture and
promote corrosion. prevent it. Water under high pres-
sure and steam are particularly
effective in removing accumulated
mud and corrosive materials.
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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