owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
CAUTION - Drying vehicleFinish damage repair Underbody maintenance
Deep scratches or stone chips in the Road salt and other corrosive chemi-
• Wiping dust or dirt off the
painted surface must be repairedcals are used in cold weather states to
body with a dry cloth will
scratch the finish. promptly. Exposed metal will quicmelt snoklyw and prevent ice accumula-
rust and may develop into a majortion. If these chemicals are not regu-
repair expense. larly removed, they will corrode the
• Do not use steel wool, abra- vehicle underbody and over time dam-
sive cleaners, acid detergentsIf your vehicle is damaged and
or strong detergents contain- age fuel lines, the fuel tank retention
requires any metal repair or replace-
system, the vehicle suspension, the
ing high alkaline or caustic
ment, be sure the body shop applies
agents on chrome-plated or exhaust system, and even the body
anti-corrosion materials to the parts
anodized aluminum parts. frame. The National Highway Traffic
repaired or replaced. Safety Administration has warned all
This may result in damage to vehicle owners of all brands of the
the protective coating and
Bright-metal maintenanceneed to take the following steps:
cause discoloration or paint
deterioration. • To remove road tar and insects,
use a tar remover, not a scraper or • Wash the undercarriage of your
other sharp object. vehicle regularly during the winter
and whenever your vehicle has
been exposed to such salts or
• To protect the surfaces of bright-
metal parts from corrosion, apply achemicals.
coating of wax or chrome preser-
vative and rub to a high luster.
• During winter weather or in coastal
areas, cover the bright metal parts
with a heavier coating of wax or
preservative. If necessary, coat the
parts with non-corrosive petroleum
jelly or other protective compound.
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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