owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
Fabric seat cover using precau-Cleaning the upholstery and inte- Cleaning the lap/shoulder belt
tions (If equipped) rior trim webbing
Please clean the fabric seats regu-Vinyl Clean the belt webbing with any mild
larly with a vacuum cleaner in con- soap solution recommended for
Remove dust and loose dirt from
sideration of fabric material charac- cleaning upholstery or carpet. Follow
vinyl with a whisk broom or vacuum
teristics. If they are heavily soiled the instructions provided with the
cleaner. Clean vinyl surfaces with a
with beverage stains, etc., use a suit-vinyl cleaner.soap. Do not bleach or re-dye the
able interior cleaner.To prevent dam- webbing because this may weaken it.
age to seat covers, wipe off the seat
covers down to the seams with a Cleaning the interior window
large wiping motion and moderate
Remove dust and loose dirt from fab-glass
pressure using a soft sponge or
ric with a whisk broom or vacuum
microfiber cloth. cleaner. Clean with a mild soap solu-If the interior glass surfaces of the
vehicle become fogged (that is, cov-
tion recommended for upholstery or
Velcro closures on clothing or sharp ered with an oily, greasy or waxy
carpets. Remove fresh spots imme-
objects may cause snagging or
film), they should be cleaned with a
diately with a fabric spot cleaner. If
scratches on the surface of the glass cleaner.Follow the directions
fresh spots do not receive immediate
seats. Make sure not to rub such on the glass cleaner container.
objects against the surface.attention, the fabric can be stained
and its color can be affected. Also, its
fire-resistant properties can be
reduced if the material is not proper-CAUTION- Rear window
ly maintained. Do not scrape or scratch the
inside of the rear window.This
Using anything but recommended
may result in damage of the rear
cleaners and procedures may affect
window defroster grid.
the fabric’s appearance and fire-
resistant properties.
7 98
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
pages 522 - 528
KIA Stinger owners manual
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