owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
in a safe area, stop the engine immediately and callAn engine misfire has been detected which mayIf the Malfunction warning comes on steady while
a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop.damagetheengine control system.the engine is running, it may indicate an engine con-
CAUTION To reduce or avoid engine control system damage:trol system malfunction.
• Running the engine with the engine oil pres-• Do not drive at speeds above 70 km/h (43Have the vehicle inspected by a NISSAN dealer or
sure warning light on could cause seriousMPH).qualified workshop. You do not need to have your
damagetotheengine. vehicle towed to the dealer.
• Avoidhardacceleration or deceleration.CAUTION
• The engine oil pressure warning light is not• Avoidsteepuphill grades.
designed to indicate a low oil level. Use the Continued vehicle operation without having the
dipstick to check the oil level.• If possible, reduce the load being carried orengine control system checked and repaired as
See“Engineoillevel information (where fitted)” ear-towed.necessary could lead to poor driveability,
lier in this section and “Engine oil” in the “8. Mainte-The MI may stop blinking and come on steady.reduced fuel economy, and possible damage to
nance and do-it-yourself” section for further detailstheenginecontrolsystem,whichmayaffectyour
on engine oil level. Have the vehicle inspected by a NISSAN dealerwarranty coverage.
or qualified workshop. You do not need to haveWater in fuel filter warning light (Diesel engine)
Malfunction indicator/warningyour vehicle towed to the dealer.(red) (where fitted):
(light) CAUTION If the warning light remains on or flashes irregularly
Malfunction indicator (MI) (light) (orange):Continued vehicle operation without having thewhile the engine is running, there may be water in
When the ignition switch is turned to the ON posi-engine control system checked and repaired asthe fuel filter. Should this happen, have the system
tion, the MI light illuminates. This means the systemnecessary could lead to poor driveability,inspected by a NISSAN dealer or qualified work-
is operational. reduced fuel economy, and possible damage toshop as soon as possible.
If the Malfunction Indicator comes on steady ortheenginecontrolsystem,whichmayaffectyourCAUTION
blinks (where fitted) while the engine is running, itwarranty coverage.
Incorrect setting of the engine control system mayFailure to drain the water from the fuel filter can
mayindicate an engine control system malfunction.cause serious damage to the engine. Contact a
Malfunction indicator on steady:lead to non-compliance of local and national emis-NISSANdealerorqualifiedworkshopassoonas
sion laws and regulations.possible.
Anengine control system malfunction has been de-Malfunction warning (light) (red) (where fitted):Electrically Power Assisted
tected. Have the vehicle inspected by a NISSANWhen the ignition switch is turned to the ON posi-
dealer or qualified workshop. You do not need totion, the malfunction warning light illuminates. ThisSteering (EPAS) warning light
have your vehicle towed to the dealer.meansthe system is operational.When the ignition switch is turned to the ON posi-
Malfunction indicator blinking (where fitted): tion, the EPAS warning light illuminates. This means
the system is operational.
Instruments and controls2-9

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year of production from: 2006

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