owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
“Supplemental Restraint System (air bag system)”WARNINGtion, the engine coolant temperature warning light
in the “1. Safety — seats, seat belts and supple-illuminates for a few seconds and then goes off.
mental restraint system” section.• Driving your vehicle could be dangerous.This means the system is operational.
Brake warning light Therefore have it towed to the nearestTheenginecoolanttemperaturewarninglight illumi-
NISSANdealer or qualified workshop.nateswhentheenginecoolanttemperaturereaches
This light functions for both the handbrake and the• Pressing the brake pedal with the enginean excessively high temperature of approximately
footbrake systems. stoppedand/orlowbrakefluidlevelcouldin-105 °C (221 °F).
Handbrake indicator: crease your stopping distance and requireCAUTION
greater pedal effort as well as pedal travel.
The light comes on when the handbrake is applied.Charge warning light• If the engine coolant temperature warning
Lowbrakefluid warning: light comes on, stop the vehicle as soon as
safely possible and contact a NISSAN dealer
Thelight warnsofalowbrakefluidlevelinthebrakeIf the light comes on while the engine is running, itor qualified workshop.
power assist unit. If the light comes on while themay indicate that the charging system is malfunc-• Whentowingatrailerordrivinguphill, reduce
engine is running and the handbrake is not applied,tioning. Turn the engine off and check the alternatorthe vehicle speed as soon as safely possible
stop the vehicle and perform the following:belt. If the belt is loose, broken, missing or if the lightto decrease the engine coolant temperature.
1. Check the brake fluid level. Add brake fluid asremains on, see a NISSAN dealer or qualified work-
muchasnecessary.See“Brakeandclutchfluid”shop immediately.• If the engine overheats, continued operation
in the “8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself” sec-CAUTIONof the vehicle may seriously damage the en-
tion. gine. See “Engine overheat” in the “6. In case
Do not continue driving if the belt is loose, bro-of emergency” section for immediate action
WARNING ken or missing. required.
If the level is below the MIN mark on the brakeDoor open warning lightWARNING
fluid reservoir, do not drive until the brake sys-This light comes on when any of the doors are notDonotremovetheradiatorcapwhiletheengine
tem has been checked at a NISSAN dealer orclosed securely while the ignition switch is in theis hot. Otherwise, there is a danger of being
qualified workshop. ONposition. scaldedbythecoolantthatislikelytoeruptfrom
2. If the brake fluid level is correct:Engine coolant temperaturethe filler.
HavethewarningsystemcheckedbyaNISSANwarning light Engine oil pressure warning light
dealer or qualified workshop.
Theengine coolant temperature varies with the out-This light warns of low engine oil pressure. If the
side air temperature and driving condition.light flickers, comes on during normal driving, or
When the ignition switch is turned to the ON posi-stays on once the engine is started, pull off the road
2-8Instruments and controls

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year of production from: 2006

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