owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
If the warning light remains illuminated after the en-The ignition knob warning light warns the driver ofNATSsecurity indicator light
gine has been started, there will be no power steer-the ignition knob position.
ing assistance: the vehicle may be driven using theMTmodels:This light blinks whenever the ignition switch is in
mechanical steering system although it is not rec-the LOCK or Acc position. This function indicates
ommended as the effort to turn the steering wheelThewarninglightblinksandthebuzzersoundstwicethat your vehicle is equipped with NISSAN Anti-
will be significantly increased compared to normalwhenthe ignition knob is turned to the “OFF” posi-Theft System (NATS)*.
operation. tion. DepresstheignitionPUSHreleasebutton,then
turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position.If NISSAN Anti-Theft System (NATS)* is malfunc-
WARNING ATmodels: tioning, this light will remain on while the ignition
switch is in the ON position.
• If the EPAS warning light illuminates whileThewarninglightblinksandthebuzzersoundstwiceFor additional information, see “NISSAN Anti-Theft
driving, stop as soon as safely possible.whenthe ignition knob is turned to the “OFF” posi-System (NATS)” later in this section.
• In certain circumstances, factors external totion. Make sure the selector lever is in the P (Park)
theEPASsystemmaycontributetotheillumi-position, then turn the ignition switch to the LOCK* Immobilizer
nationofthewarninglight.Ifthewarninglightposition.Seat belt warning light and
illuminates, stop the vehicle as soon as safelySee“Ignition knob (where fitted)” in the “5. Startingchime
possible if driving, turn the ignition switch toand driving” section for further details.
the “OFF” position for approximately 20 sec-CAUTIONThe light reminds the driver to fasten his/her seat
onds, then turn the ignition switch to the ON belt.Thelightcomesonwhenevertheignitionswitch
positionagain.Ifthelightremainsilluminated,• The steering wheel can only be locked whenis turned to the ON position. It goes out whenever
we recommend you to contact a NISSANtheignitionknobisintheLOCKposition.Makethe front seat belt is securely fastened. The chime
dealer or qualified workshop.sure the ignition knob is in the LOCK positionwill sound unless the front seat belt is securely fas-
See“Powersteeringsystem”inthe“5.Startingandbefore leaving the vehicle.tened whenthevehicle speed exceeds 25 km/h (15
driving” section for further details on the EPAS sys-• The emergency key can only be removed atMPH). The chime will stop after approximately 90
tem. the LOCK position. Make sure the ignitionseconds.
Ignition knob warning lightknobisintheLOCKpositionbeforeremovingNOTE
(Intelligent Key system only)the emergency key.The front passenger seat belt warning light
• If the ignition knob warning light comes oncomes on the centre console. See “Seat belt
WhentheignitionknobisturnedtotheONposition,while driving, contact a NISSAN dealer orwarning lights” in the “1. Safety — seats, seat
the ignition knob warning light illuminates for a fewqualified workshop for repair.beltsandsupplementalrestraintsystem”section.
seconds and then goes off. This means the system
is operational.
2-10 Instruments and controls

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year of production from: 2006

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