owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
child restraint, refer to the illustration for the rearanchorattachmentsintotheanchorpointsontheTOPTETHERSTRAPFORCHILD
seating positions equipped with ISOFIX system an-rear seat. See “Top tether strap for childRESTRAINT
chors which can be used to secure the child re-restraint” later in this section for top tether strap
straint. installation instructions.The top tether strap of the child restraint must be
The ISOFIX system anchors are located at the rear2. Fit the ISOFIX funnel guides (supplied with thesecured to the provided anchor point of your ve-
oftheseatcushionneartheseatback(asillustrated).ISOFIX child seat – where fitted) to the vehiclehicle. Follow the child restraint manufacturer
Labels are attached to the seat cushion to help youISOFIX brackets located at the base of the rearowner’s manual for installation instructions.
locate the ISOFIX system anchors.outer seat cushions (refer to the ISOFIX label forSecurethetoptetherstraptotheanchorbracketas
CAUTION appropriate locations). illustrated.
• Thechildrestraintmayalsorequiretheuseof3. Afterattachingthechildrestraintandbeforeplac-WARNING
a top tether strap. See “Top tether strap foring the child in it, use force to tilt the child re-
child restraint” later in this section for instal-straint from side to side and tug it forward to• Thechildrestraintanchorpointsaredesigned
lation instructions. Alternatively, the child re-makesurethatthechildrestraintissecurelyheldtowithstandonlythoseloadsimposedbycor-
straint may require an anti-rotation devicein place. Make sure that both ISOFIX anchor-rectly fitted child restraints. Under no circum-
such as support leg. Refer to the child re-ages have latched correctly.stances are they to be used for adult seat
straint system manufacturer’s instructions.4. Check to make sure that the child restraint isbelts or harnesses.
• Wheninstallingachildrestraint,carefullyreadproperly secured prior to each use.• The child restraint top tether strap may be
andfollowtheinstructions in this manual andNOTE damagedbycontactwiththerearparcelshelf
those supplied with the child restraint. or items in the luggage compartment area.
• For forward facing ISOFIX child restraintRemovetherearparcelshelffromthevehicle
restraint to the lower anchor attachments in the rearseat to its rearmost position and the frontAlso, secure any lose items in the luggage
seat, follow these steps. passengerseatasfarforwardaspossible.compartment. Your child could be seriously
Inspect the lower anchors by inserting your fingers• For rearward facing ISOFIX child restraintinjured or killed in a collision if the top tether
into the lower anchor area and feeling to make sureontherearseat, slide the front passengerstrap is damaged.
there are no obstructions over the ISOFIX systemseatasfarbackwardsaspossibleandslide
anchors, such as seat belt webbing or seat cushiontherearbenchseatforwardsuntiltheedge
erly if the ISOFIX system anchors are obstructed.
1. To install the ISOFIX system compatible child
restraint, insert the child restraint ISOFIX system
Safety — seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system1-23

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year of production from: 2006

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