owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
● Increaseyourfollowing distance to allow for● If you detect any unusual sounds or● Alwaysusetires of the same type, size,
increased stopping distances.vibrations while driving with a punc-brand, construction (bias, bias-belted
● Avoid sudden maneuvers, hard corneringtured run-flat tire, pull off the road to aor radial), and tread pattern on all four
and hard braking. safe location and stop the vehicle aswheels. Failure to do so may result in a
soon as possible. The tire may be seri-circumference difference between tires
WARNING ouslydamaged and need to beon the front and rear axles which will
replaced. causeexcessivetirewearandmaydam-
● Although you can continue driving with agethetransmission,transfercaseand
apuncturedrun-flattire,rememberthatCAUTION differential gears (AWD models).
vehicle handling stability is reduced, ● ONLY use spare tires specified for the
which could lead to an accident and● Never install tire chains on a puncturedAWDmodel.
personalinjury. Also, driving a long dis-run-flat tire, as this could damage your
tance at high speeds may damage thevehicle. ● If excessive tire wear is found, it is rec-
tire. ● Avoiddrivingoveranyprojectionorpot-ommended that all four tires be re-
● Do not drive at speeds above 50 MPHhole, as the clearance between the ve-placed with tires of the same size,
(80 km/h) and do not drive more thanhicle and the ground is smaller thanbrand, construction and tread pattern.
approximately 93 miles (150 km) with anormal.The tire pressure and wheel alignment
punctured run-flat tire. The actual dis-● Do not enter an automated car washshould also be checked and corrected
tancethevehiclecanbedrivenonaflatwith a punctured run-flat tire.asnecessary.ContactaNISSANdealer.
tire depends on outside temperature, TIRE CHAINS
vehicle load, read conditions and other● Have the punctured tire inspected by a
factors. NISSAN dealer or other authorized re-Useoftirechainsmaybeprohibitedaccordingto
● Drive safely at reduced speeds. Avoidpair shop. Replace the tire as soon aslocation. Check the local laws before installing
hard cornering or braking, which maypossibleifthetireisseriouslytire chains. Wheninstallingtirechains,makesure
causeyoutolosecontrolofthevehicle.damaged. they are the proper size for the tires on your
vehicle and are installed according to the chain
manufacturer’s suggestions. Use only SAE
class “S”chains. Class “S”chains are used on
vehicles with restricted tire to vehicle clearance.
Vehicles that can use Class “S” chains are de-
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-39

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year of production from: 2013

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