owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
Summertires studded tires. Skid and traction capabilities ofLowtire pressure:
NISSANspecifiessummertiresonsomemodelsstuddedsnowtiresonwetordrysurfacesmaybeIf the vehicle is being driven with low tire pres-
to provide superior performance on dry roads.poorer than that of non-studded snow tires.sure, the low tire pressure warning light will illu-
Summer tire performance is substantially re-Run–Flat Tires (if so equipped)minate and the “Tire Pressure Low- Add Air”
ducedinsnowandice.SummertiresdonothaveYour vehicle is equipped with run-flat tires and iswarning appears in the vehicle information dis-
the tire traction rating “M&S”on the tire sidewall.not equipped with a spare tire, or a jack and toolplay.
If you plan to operate your vehicle in snowy or icykit. The jack and tool kit may be purchased at theFlat tire:
conditions, NISSAN recommends the use ofdealer. Please consult your NISSAN dealer forIf the vehicle is being driven with one or more flat
SNOW tires or ALL SEASON tires on all fouradditional details. You can continue driving to atires, the low tire pressure warning light will illu-
wheels. safe location even if the run-flat tires are punc-minate continuously and a chime will sound for
Snowtires tured. Always use run-flat tires of the specified10 seconds. A “Flat-Tire-Visit Dealer warning
size on all four wheels. Mixing tire sizes or con-also appears in the vehicle information display.
If snow tires are needed, it is necessary to selectstruction may reduce vehicle handling stability. If
tires equivalent in size and load rating to thenecessary, contact your NISSAN dealer for as-Thechimewillonlysoundatthefirstindicationof
original equipment tires. If you do not, it cansistance.a flat tire and the warning light will illuminate
adversely affect the safety and handling of yourFrequently check the tire pressure and adjustcontinuously. When the flat tire warning is acti-
vehicle. vated,havethesystemresetandthetirechecked
Generally, snow tires have lower speed ratingspressure of each tire properly. The tire pressureand replaced if necessary by your NISSAN
than factory equipped tires and may not matchcan be also checked in the vehicle informationdealer. Even if the tire is inflated to the specified
the potential maximum vehicle speed. Never ex-display.COLD tire pressure, the warning light will con-
ceed the maximum speed rating of the tire.It can be difficult to tell if a run-flat tire is under-tinuetoilluminateuntilthesystemisresetbyyour
If you install snow tires, they must be the sameinflated or flat. Check the tire pressures as de-NISSANdealer.
size, brand, construction and tread pattern on allscribedinthissection. If the tire becomes under-If the low tire pressure warning light illuminates
four wheels. inflated while driving, the low tire pressurecontinuously and the “Flat-Tire-Visit Dealer
warninglightwillilluminateandthe“TirePressurewarning appears in the vehicle information dis-
Foradditionaltraction on icy roads, studded tiresLow- Add Air” warning appears in the vehicleplay:
may be used. However, some U.S. states andinformation display. If the tire becomes flat while
Canadian provinces prohibit their use. Checkdriving,thelowtirepressurewarninglightandthe● Donotexceed50MPH(80km/h).
local, state and provincial laws before installing“Flat-Tire-Visit Dealer warning will appear.
8-38 Maintenanceanddo-it-yourself

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