owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
● If the wheels are changed for any rea-● Do not install a damaged or deformedWheel balance service should be per-
son, always replace with wheels whichwheel or tire even if it has been re-formed with the wheels off the vehicle.
have the same off-set dimension.paired. Such wheels or tires could haveSpin balancing the wheels on the vehicle
Wheels of a different off-set couldstructural damage and could fail with-could lead to mechanical damage.
cause premature tire wear, degrade ve-out warning.● For additional information regarding
hiclehandlingcharacteristics,affectthe● The use of retread tires is nottires, refer to “Important Tire Safety
VDC system and/or interference withrecommended.Information”(US)or“TireSafetyInfor-
the brake discs/drums. Such interfer- mation” (Canada) in the Warranty In-
ence can lead to decreased braking ef-● For additional information regardingformation Booklet.
ficiency and/or early brake pad/shoetires, refer to “Important Tire Safety In-Care of wheels
“Technical and consumer information”tion”(Canada)intheWarrantyInforma-● Washthewheelswhenwashingthevehicle
section of this manual for wheel off-settion Booklet.to maintain their appearance.
● WhenasparetireismountedorawheelCAUTION ● Cleantheinnersideofthewheelswhenthe
is replaced, tire pressure will not beAlways use tires of the same type, size,wheel is changed or the underside of the
indicated, the TPMS will not functionbrand, construction (bias, bias-belted orvehicle is washed.
and the low tire pressure warning lightradial), and tread pattern on all four● Donotuseabrasivecleanerswhenwashing
will flash for approximately 1 minute.wheels. Failure to do so may result in athe wheels.
The light will remain on after 1 minute.circumferencedifferencebetweentireson● Inspect wheel rims regularly for dents or
ContactyourNISSANdealerassoonasthe front and rear axles which will causecorrosion. Such damage may cause loss of
possible for tire replacement and/orexcessive tire wear and may damage thepressure or poor seal at the tire bead.
system resetting. transmission, transfer case and differen-
● Replacingtireswiththosenotoriginallytial gears (AWD models).● NISSAN recommends waxing the road
specified by NISSAN could affect theWheelbalancewheels to protect against road salt in areas
proper operation of the TPMS. where it is used during winter.
Unbalanced wheels may affect vehicle handling
out of balance. Therefore, they should be bal-
anced as required.
8-42 Maintenanceanddo-it-yourself

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