owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
7 The word “radial” TYPESOFTIRES
The word “radial” is shown if the tire hasWARNING ● Alwaysusetires of the same type, size,
radial structure. brand, construction (bias, bias-belted
● When changing or replacing tires, beor radial), and tread pattern on all four
8 Manufacturer or brand name sure all four tires are of the same typewheels. Failure to do so may result in a
Manufacturer or brand name is shown.(i.e., Summer, All Season or Snow) andcircumference difference between tires
construction. A NISSAN dealer may beon the front and rear axles which will
Other Tire-related Terminologyabletohelpyouwithinformationaboutcauseexcessivetirewearandmaydam-
tiretype,size,speed rating andagethetransmission,transfercaseand
In addition to the many terms that areavailability. differential gears.
defined throughout this section, Intended● Replacement tires may have a lower● ONLY use spare tires specified for the
OutboardSidewallis(1)thesidewallthatspeed rating than the factory equippedAWDmodel.
containsawhitewall,bearswhiteletteringtires, and may not match the potential
or bears manufacturer, brand, and/ormaximum vehicle speed. Never exceedIf excessive tire wear is found, it is recommended
model name molding that is higher orthe maximumspeedrating of the tire.that all four tires be replaced with tires of the
deeper than the same molding on the● Replacingtireswiththosenotoriginallysamesize,brand,constructionandtreadpattern.
specified by NISSAN could affect theThe tire pressure and wheel alignment should
other sidewall of the tire, or (2) the out-proper operation of the low tire pres-also be checked and corrected as necessary.
ward facing sidewall of an asymmetricalsure warning system.Contact a NISSAN dealer.
tire that has a particular side that must● For additional information regardingAll season tires
always face outward when mounted on atires, refer to “Important Tire Safety In-
vehicle. formation”(US)or“TireSafetyInforma-NISSANspecifiesAllSeasontiresonsomemod-
tion”(Canada)intheWarrantyInforma-els to provide good performance all year, includ-
tion Booklet. ing snowy and icy road conditions. All Season
tires are identified by ALL SEASON and/or M&S
All-Wheel Drive (AWD) modelsonthetire sidewall. Snow tires have better snow
traction than All Season tires and may be more
appropriate in some areas.
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-37

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