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owners manual Nissan Rogue

owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
Oil viscosity The engine oil viscosity or thickness changes with temperature. Because of this, it is important to select the engine oil viscosity based on the temperatures at which the vehicle will be oper- ated before the next oil change. Choosing an oil viscosity other than that recommended could cause serious engine damage. Selecting the correct oil filter Your new NISSAN vehicle is equipped with a high-quality genuine NISSAN oil filter. When re- placing, use a genuine NISSAN oil filter or its LTI2051equivalent for the reason described in “Change ENGINEOILANDOILFILTER Committee (ILSAC) certification and SAE vis-intervals.” RECOMMENDATIONS cositystandard.TheseoilshavetheAPIcertifica-Changeintervals tion mark on the front of the container. Oils whichThe oil and oil filter change intervals for your Selecting the correct oil donothavethespecifiedqualitylabelshouldnotengine are based on the use of the specified It is essential to choose the correct grade, qualitybe used as they could cause engine damage.quality oils and filters. Using engine oil and filters and viscosity engine oil to ensure satisfactoryOil additivesthat are not of the specified quality, or exceeding engine life and performance. Refer to “Recom- recommended oil and filter change intervals mended fluids/lubricants and capacities” in thisNISSAN does not recommend the use of oilcould reduce engine life. Damage to the engine section. NISSAN recommends the use of anadditives. The use of an oil additive is not neces-causedbyimpropermaintenanceoruseofincor- energy conserving oil in order to improve fuelsary when the proper oil type is used and main-rect oil and filter quality and/or viscosity is not economy. tenance intervals are followed.coveredbytheNISSANnewvehiclelimitedwar- Oil whichmaycontainforeignmatterorhasbeenranty. Select only engine oils that meet the Americanpreviously used should not be used. Petroleum Institute (API) certification or Interna- tional Lubricant Standardization and Approval 9-6 Technical and consumer information
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year of production from: 2013

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Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual
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Nissan-Rogue-II-2-owners-manual page 401 min
Nissan-Rogue-II-2-owners-manual page 402 min
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