owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Tire pressure 389
Important notes on tire pressure too low for the current operating conditions. If
you check the tire pressure when the tires are
GWARNING warm, the resulting value will be higher than if
If the tire pressure drops repeatedly, thethe tires were cold. This is normal. Do not
wheel, valve or tire may be damaged. Tirereduce the tire pressure to the value specified
pressure that is too low may result in a tirefor cold tires. The tire pressure would otherwise
be too low.
blow-out. There is a risk of an accident.Observe the recommended tire pressures for
RCheckthetireforforeign objects. cold tires:
RCheckwhetherthewheelislosingairortheRontheTireandLoadingInformation placard
valve is leaking. ontheB-pillar on the driver's side
If you are unable to rectify the damage, con-Rinthetirepressuretableonthefuelfillerflap
tact a qualified specialist workshop.(Y page 189)
GWARNING Underinflated or overinflated tires
If you fit unsuitable accessories onto tireUnderinflated tires
valves, the tire valves may be overloaded and
malfunction, which can cause tire pressureGWARNING
loss. Due to their design, retrofitted tire pres-Tires with pressure that is too low can over-
sure monitors keep the tire valve open. Thisheatandburstasaconsequence.Inaddition,
canalsoresultintirepressureloss.Thereisa res
risk of an accident. they also suffer from excessive and/or irreg-i
Only screw the standard valve cap or otheringpropertiesandthedrivingcharacteristics.
valve caps approved by Mercedes-Benz forThere is a risk of an accident.and
your vehicle onto the tire valve. Avoidtire pressures that are too low in all the
Useasuitable pressure gauge to check the tiretires, including the spare wheel.
pressure. The outer appearance of a tire does Wheels
notpermitanyreliableconclusionaboutthetireUnderinflated tires may:
pressure. On vehicles equipped with the elec-Roverheat, leading to tire defects
tronic tire pressure monitor, the tire pressure
can be checked in the on-board computer.Radversely affect handling
The tire temperature and pressure increaseRwearexcessively and/or unevenly
onthedriving speed and the load.
Therefore, you should only correct tire pres-Overinflated tires
sures when the tires are cold. GWARNING
The tires are cold:
Rif the vehicle has been parked with the tiresTireswithexcessivelyhighpressurecanburst
out of direct sunlight for at least three hoursbecause they are damaged more easily by
and road debris, potholes etc. In addition, they
Rifthevehiclehasnotbeendrivenfurtherthanalso suffer from irregular wear, which can
1mile(1.6 km) severelyimpairthebrakingpropertiesandthe
Thetiretemperaturechangesdependingonthedriving characteristics. There is a risk of an
outside temperature, the vehicle speed and theaccident.
tire l
oad. If the tire temperature changes byAvoidtirepressuresthataretoohighinallthe
18‡(10†),thetirepressurechangesby tires, including the spare wheel.
approximately 10 kPa (0.1 bar/1.5 psi). Take
this into accountwhencheckingthepressureof
warmtires. Only correct the tire pressure if it is
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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