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owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600

owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
392 Tire pressure the information on display messagesTire pressure monitor warning mes- Ypage306). ( sages It may take up to ten minutes for a malfunctionIf the tire pressure monitor detects a pressure of the tire pressure monitor to be indicated. Aloss in one or more tires, a warning message is malfunction will be indicated by the tire pres-showninthemultifunction display. The yellow sure warning lamp flashing for approximatelytire pressure warning lamp then lights up. one minute and then remaining lit. When the malfunctionhasbeenrectified,thetirepressureRIf the Please Correct Tire Pressure warning lamp goes out after a few minutes ofmessageappearsinthemultifunctiondisplay, driving. thetirepressureinatleastonetireistoolow. The tire pressure values indicated by the on-Thetirepressuremustbecorrectedwhenthe board computer may differ from those meas-opportunity arises. uredatagasstationwithapressuregauge.TheRIf the Check Tires message appears in the tire pressures shown by the on-board computermultifunction display, the tire pressure in at refer to those measured at sea level. At highleast one tire has dropped significantly. The altitudes, the tire pressure values indicated by atires must be checked. pressure gauge are higher than those shown byRIftheWarning Tire Malfunctionmessage the on-board computer. In this case, do notappears in the multifunction display, the tire reduce the tire pressures. pressureinatleastonetirehasdroppedsud- The operation of the tire pressure monitor candenly. The tires must be checked. beaffectedbyinterferencefromradiotransmit-Observetheinstructionsandsafetynotesinthe tingequipment(e.g.radioheadphones,two-waydisplay messages in the "Tires" section radios)thatmaybebeingoperatedinorneartheYpage306). resvehicle. ( ti If the wheelpositionsonthevehiclearerotated, d Checkingthetire pressure electroni-the tire pressures may be displayed for the ancally wrongpositionsforashorttime.Thisisrectified s after a few minutes of driving, and the tire pres- l XMakesurethattheSmartKeyisinposition2sures are displayed for the correct positions. in the ignition lock (Y page 162).Restarting the tire pressure monitor WheeXUseòonthesteeringwheeltocallupthe list of menus. Whenyourestart the tire pressure monitor, all XPress9or:onthesteeringwheelto existingwarningmessagesaredeletedandthe select the Service menu. warninglampsgoout.Themonitorusesthecur- XPresstheabutton. rently set tire pressures as the reference values XPress9or:toselectTire Pres‐ for monitoring. In most cases, the tire pressure sure. monitor will automatically detect the new refer- XPresstheabutton. ence values after you have changed the tire Thecurrenttirepressureofeachtireisshownpressure. However, you can also define refer- in the multifunction display. encevaluesmanuallyasdescribedhere.Thetire pressure monitor then monitors the new tire If the vehicle was parked for longer thanpressure values. 20minutes, the following message appears:XSetthetirepressuretothevaluerecommen- Tire pressure will be displayed afterdedforthecorrespondingdrivingsituationon driving a few minutes. the Tire and Loading Information placard on After a teach-in process, the tire pressure mon-the driver's side B-pillar (Y page 387). itor automatically detects new wheels or newYoucanfind more tire pressure values for sensors. As long as a clear allocation of the tirevarious operating conditions in the tire pres- pressure value to the individual wheels is notsure table inside the fuel filler flap possible,theTire Pressure Monitor ActiveYpage387). messageis shown instead of the tire pressure( display. The tire pressures are already beingXMakesurethatthetirepressureiscorrecton monitored. all four wheels.
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year of production from: 2014

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