owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
388 Tire pressure
Tire and Loading Information placard
The load conditions "partially laden" and "fully
:Recommendedtirepressures laden"aredefinedinthetablefordifferentnum-
The Tire and Loading Information placard is onbers of occupants and amounts of luggage. The
the B-pillar on the driver's side (Y page 394).actual number of seats may differ.
The Tire and Loading Information placard con-
tains the recommended tire pressures for cold
tires. The recommendedtirepressuresarevalid
for the maximumpermissibleloadanduptothe
resmaximumpermissible vehicle speed.
tiTire pressure table
d Thetirepressuretableisontheinsideofthefuel
anfiller flap. It shows the tire pressure for all tires
s permitted at the factory for this vehicle; see
l illustration (example).
Sometire pressure tables show only the rim
Whee diameters instead of the full tire size, e.g. R18.
Rimdiameter is part of the tire size and can be
found on the tire sidewall (Y page 400).
If the tire pressures have been set to the lower
values for lighter loads and/or lower road
speeds, the pressures should be reset to the
higher values:
Rif you want to drive with an increased load
Rif you want to drive at higher road speeds
The tire pressures for increased loads and/or
Thetire pressure table contains the recommen-higher road speeds, shown in the tire pressure
dedpressures for cold tires for various operat-table, may have a negative effect on driving
ditions. If the tire pressure is not set correctly, this can
If a tire size precedes a tire pressure, the fol-lead to an excessive build up of heat and a sud-
lowing tire pressure information is only valid forden loss of pressure.
that tire size; see illustration (example).For more information, contact a qualified spe-
cialist workshop.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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