owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
386 Winter operation
first 60 miles (100 km). They only reach theirDamagedtires can cause tire inflation pres-
full performance after this distance.sureloss.Asaresult,youcouldlosecontrolof
RDonotdrivewithtires which have too littleyour vehicle. There is a risk of accident.
tread depth, as this significantly reduces the
traction on wet roads (hydroplaning).Checkthetires regularly for signs of damage
RReplacethetires after six years at the latest,and replace any damaged tires immediately.
regardless of wear.
MOExtendedtires(tires with run-flatM+Stires
properties) GWARNING
With MOExtended tires (tires with run flat char-M+Stires with a tire tread depth of less than
acteristics), you can continue to drive your vehi-ãin(4mm)arenotsuitableforuseinwinter
or more tires. a risk of an accident.
tion with an active tire pressure loss warning(4 mm) must be replaced immediately.
system or with an active tire pressure monitor
andonwheelsspecifically tested by Mercedes-Attemperaturesbelow45‡(+7†),usewinter
sBenz. tires or all-season tires. Both types of tire are
Notes on driving with MOExtended tires with aidentified by the M+S marking.
tireflat tire (Y page 368). Only winter tires bearing the i snowflake
Vehicles equipped with MOExtended tires aresymbol in addition to the M+S marking provide
andnot equipped with a TIREFIT kit at the factory. Itthe best possible grip in wintry road conditions.
is therefore recommendedthatyouadditionallyOnlythesetireswillallowdrivingsafetysystems
elsequipyourvehiclewithaTIREFITkitifyoumountsuch as ABS and ESP® to function optimally in
tires that do not feature run-flat properties, e.g.winter. These tires have been developed specif-
winter tires. A TIREFIT kit can be obtained fromically for driving in snow.
Whea qualified specialist workshop.UseM+Stiresofthesamemakeandtreadonall
wheels to maintain safe handling characteris-
Winter operation tics.
Always observe the maximum permissible
General notes speed specified for the M+S tires you have
Haveyourvehicle winterproofed at a qualifiedmounted.
specialist workshop at the onset of winter.WhenyouhavemountedM+Stires:
Observe the notes in the "Changing a wheel"XCheckthetirepressures (Y page 390).
Ypage405). XRestart the tire pressure monitor
section ( (Y page 392).
Driving with summer tires Snowchains
At temperatures below 45 ‡ (+7 †), summer
tires lose elasticity and therefore traction andGWARNING
brakingpower.ChangethetiresonyourvehicleIf snow chains are installed to the front
to M+S tires. Using summer tires at very coldwheels, they may drag against the vehicle
temperatures could cause cracks to form,
thereby damaging the tires permanently.body or chassis components. This could
Mercedes-Benzcannotacceptresponsibilityforcause damage to the vehicle or the tires.
this type of damage. There is a risk of an accident.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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