owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Operation 385
Regular checking of wheels and tiresspeed is not adapted to suit the driving con-
GWARNING ditions. There is a risk of accident.
Damagedtires can cause tire inflation pres-If the tire pressure is too high or too low, tires
sureloss.Asaresult,youcouldlosecontrolofmayexhibit different levels of wear at differ-
your vehicle. There is a risk of accident.ent locations on the tire tread. Thus, you
should regularly check the tread depth and
Checkthetires regularly for signs of damagethe condition of the tread across the entire
and replace any damaged tires immediately.width of all tires.
CheckwheelsandtiresfordamageatleastonceMinimumtire tread depth for:
a month. Check wheels and tires after drivingRSummertires:âin(3mm)
off-road or on rough roads. Damaged wheelsRM+Stires:ãin(4mm)
cancausealossoftirepressure.PayparticularFor safety reasons, replace the tires before
attention to damage such as:
Rcutsinthetires the legally prescribed limit for the minimum
Rpunctures tire tread depth is reached.
Rtears in the tires
Rdeformation or severe corrosion on wheels
Regularly check the tire tread depth and the s
conditionofthetreadacrossthewholewidthof re
Ypage385).Ifnecessary, turn the
the tire ( ti
front wheels to full lock in order to inspect the d
inner side of the tire surface. an
All wheels must have a valve cap to protect the s
valve against dirt and moisture. Do not mount l
anything onto the valve other than the standard
valve cap or other valve caps approved by
Mercedes-Benzforyourvehicle.DonotuseanyMarking :showswherethebarindicatorWhee
other valve caps or systems, e.g. tire pressure(arrow) for tread wear is integrated into the tire
monitoring systems. tread.
Regularlycheckthepressureofallthetirespar-Treadwear indicators (TWI) are required by law.
ticularly prior to long trips. Adjust the tire pres-Six indicators are positioned on the tire tread.
sure as necessary (Y page 387). They are visible once a tread depth of approx-
The service life of tires depends, among otherimatelyáin(1.6mm)hasbeenreached.Ifthis
things, on the following factors:is the case, the tire is so worn that it must be
Rdriving style replaced.
Rtire pressure
Rdistance covered Selecting, mounting and replacing
Notesontiretread ROnlymounttiresandwheelsofthesametype
and make.
GWARNING Exception: it is permissible to install a differ-
Insufficient tire tread will reduce tire traction.ent type or make in the event of a flat tire.
The tire is no longer able to dissipate water.Observe the "MOExtended tires (tires with
ofhydroplaningincreases,inparticularwhereROnlymounttiresofthecorrect size onto the
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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