owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Battery (vehicle) 361
XHavethetiresealant bottle replaced as GWARNING
soon as possible at a qualified specialistElectrostatic build-up can lead to the creation
workshop. of sparks, which could ignite the highly explo-
XHavethetiresealantbottle replaced everysive gases of a battery. There is a risk of an
four years at a qualified specialist work-explosion.
shop. Beforehandlingthebattery,touchthevehicle
body to remove any existing electrostatic
Battery (vehicle) build-up.
12Vbattery–importantsafetynotes Thehighlyflammablegasmixtureformswhen
charging the battery as well as when jump-
Special tools and expert knowledge arestarting.
required when working on the battery, e.g.Always make sure that neither you nor the
removal and installation. You should there-battery is electrostatically charged. A build-
fore have all work involving the battery car-upofelectrostatic charge can be caused, for
ried out at a qualified specialist workshop.example:
GWARNING Rbywearingclothing made from synthetic
Workcarried out incorrectly on the batteryfibers assistance
can lead, for example, to a short circuit andRduetofriction between clothing and seatsn
thusdamagethevehicleelectronics.ThiscanRif you push or pull the battery across thew
lead to function restrictions applying tocarpet or other synthetic materials
safety-relevant systems, e.g the lighting sys-Rif you wipe the battery with a clothakdo
tem,theABS(anti-lockbrakingsystem)orthe WARNING
® G
ESP (ElectronicStabilityProgram).Theoper- Bre
ating safety of your vehicle may be restricted.Duringthechargingprocess,abatteryprodu-
Youcould lose control of the vehicle, forces hydrogen gas. If a short circuit occurs or
example: sparks are created, the hydrogen gas can
ignite. There is a risk of an explosion.
RMakesurethatthepositive terminal of a
Rintheeventofabruptsteering maneuvers connectedbatterydoesnotcomeintocon-
and/or when the vehicle's speed is not tact with vehicle parts.
adapted to the road conditions
There is a risk of an accident. RNeverplacemetalobjectsortoolsonabat-
In the event of a short circuit or a similar inci-RItisimportant that you observe the descri-
dent, contact a qualified specialist workshopbed order of the battery terminals when
immediately. Do not drive any further. Youconnecting and disconnecting a battery.
ried out at a qualified specialist workshop.RWhenjump-starting, make sure that the
battery poles with identical polarity are
For further information about ABS and ESP®,connected.
see (Y page 67) and (Y page 73). RItis particularly important to observe the
All vehicles except vehicles with a lith-described order when connecting and dis-
ium-ion battery: connecting the jumper cables.
terminals while the engine is running.

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year of production from: 2015

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