owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
362 Battery (vehicle)
WARNING Ryoufirst remove the negative terminal
G clamp and then the positive terminal
Batteryacidiscaustic.Thereisariskofinjury.clamp. Never swap the terminal clamps.
Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. DoOtherwise, the vehicle's electronic sys-
the battery. Keep children away from batter-
ies. WashawaybatteryacidimmediatelywithRthetransmission is locked in position P
plenty of clean water and seek medical atten-afterdisconnectingthebattery.Thevehi-
tion. cle is secured against rolling away. You
can then no longer move the vehicle.
All vehicles: Thebatteriesandthecoversofthepositive
H Environmentalnote terminal clamps must always be installed
Batteries contain dangeroussecurely during operation.
e substances. It is against theComplywithsafetyprecautionsandtakepro-
law to dispose of them withtective measures when handling batteries.
the household rubbish. They Risk of explosion.
and recycled to protect the
assistanc environment. Fire, open flames and smoking are
n Dispose of batteries in an prohibited when handling the bat-
environmentally friendly tery. Avoid creating sparks.
manner. Take discharged
batteries to a qualified spe- Electrolyte or battery acid is corro-
cialist workshop or a special sive. Avoid contact with skin, eyes
Breakdow collection point for used bat- or clothing.
teries. Wearsuitable protective clothing,
especially gloves, apron and face-
!Havethebatterycheckedregularlyata guard.
qualified specialist workshop. Immediately rinse electrolyte or
Observe the service intervals in the Main-acid splashes off with clean water.
tenanceBookletorcontactaqualifiedspe- Contact a physician if necessary.
cialist workshop for more information. Weareyeprotection.
out at a qualified specialist workshop.
Shouldit,inexceptionalcircumstances,be Keepchildren away.
volt battery yourself, please observe the
Rsecurethevehicletopreventitfromroll- Observe this Operator's Manual.
ing away.
SmartKey. Make sure the ignition isFor safety reasons, Mercedes-Benz recom-
switchedoff. Checkthatall the indicatormendsthatyouonlyusebatterieswhichhave
lamps in the instrument cluster are off.beentestedandapprovedforyourvehicleby
Otherwise, electronic components, suchMercedes-Benz. These batteries provide
as the alternator, may be damaged.increased impact protection to prevent vehi-

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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