owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Care 351
can lose their shine if chrome polish isIt exhibits natural surface characteristics, for
used. Use a damp, lint-free cloth insteadexample:
whencleaning the trim pieces. Rdifferences in the texture
If the chrome-plated trim pieces are veryRmarkscausedbygrowthandinjury
dirty, you can use a chrome polish. If youRslight nuances of color
are unsure as to whether the trim piecesThese are characteristics of leather and not
are chrome-plated or not, consult anmaterial defects.
authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.
XWipethewoodentrimandtrimpieceswithSeat covers of other materials
a damp, lint-free cloth, e.g. a microfiber!Observethefollowingwhencleaning:
cloth. Rcleanartificialleathercoverswithacloth
XTrimelementswithpianoblackfinish: moistened with a solution containing 1%are
clean with a soft, damp cloth and a com-detergent (e.g. dish washing liquid).c
mercially available soap solution.Rcleanclothcoverswithamicrofibercloth
XHeavysoiling:usecareandcleaningprod-moistened with a solution containing 1%and
ucts recommended and approved by detergent (e.g. dish washing liquid). Rub
Mercedes-Benz. carefullyandalwayswipeentireseatsec-
tions to avoid leaving visible lines. Leavenance
Cleaning the seat covers the seat to dry afterwards. Cleaningte
General notes results depend on the type of dirt andn
howlongit has been there. Mai
!Donotuseamicrofiberclothtoclean RcleanDINAMICAcoverswithadamp
covers made out of real leather, artificialcloth. Make sure that you wipe entire
leather or DINAMICA. If used often, theseseat sections to avoid leaving visible
can damage the cover. lines.
Note that regular care is essential to ensureCleaning the seat belts
that the appearance and comfort of the cov-
ers is retained over time. GWARNING
Genuineleather seat covers Seat belts can become severely weakened if
!Toretainthenaturalappearanceofthebleached or dyed. This could cause the seat
leather, observe the following cleaningbeltstotearorfail,forinstance,intheeventof
instructions: an accident. This poses an increased risk of
injury or fatal injury.
RCleangenuineleather covers carefullyNever bleach or dye the seat belts.
ers down with a dry cloth. !Donotcleantheseatbeltsusingchemical
RMakesurethattheleatherdoesnot cleaning agents. Do not dry the seat belts
becomesoaked.It may otherwise by heating at temperatures above 176 ‡
becomeroughandcracked. (80 †) or in direct sunlight.
ROnlyuseleather care agents that haveXUseclean,lukewarmwaterandsoapsolu-
Benz. You can obtain these from a quali-
fied specialist workshop.
Leather is a natural product.

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year of production from: 2015

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