owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Battery (vehicle)363
cle occupants from suffering acid burnsthe battery. Keep children away from batter-
shouldthebatterybedamagedintheeventofies. Washawaybatteryacidimmediatelywith
an accident. plenty of clean water and seek medical atten-
In order for the battery to achieve the maxi-tion.
mumpossibleservice life, it must always be
sufficiently charged. GWARNING
The vehicle battery, like other batteries, canAdischarged battery can freeze at tempera-
discharge over time if you do not use thetures below freezing point. When jump-start-
vehicle. In this case, have the battery discon-ing the vehicle or charging the battery, gases
can also charge the battery with a chargeran explosion.
recommendedbyMercedes-Benz.ContactaAllow the frozen battery to thaw out before
qualifiedspecialistworkshopforfurtherinfor-charging it or jump-starting.
mation. e
morefrequently if you use the vehicle mainlymumchargingvoltage of 14.8 V.
for short trips or if you leave it standing idleAll vehicles:
for a lengthy period. Consult a qualified spe-Only charge the battery using the jump-
cialist workshop if you wish to leave your! assistanc
vehicle parked for a long period of time.starting connection point.n
RemovetheSmartKeyifyouparkthevehicleThe jump-starting connection point is in the
anddonotrequireanyelectrical consumers.engine compartment (
The vehicle will then use very little energy,XOpenthehood. akdow
thus conserving battery power. XConnectthebatterychargertothepositiveBre
terminal and ground point in the same
Charging the 12 V battery order as when connecting the donor bat-
tery in the jump-starting procedure
Vehicles with a lithium-ion battery:(
mumchargingvoltage of 14.4 V. lean over a battery. Never charge the battery
All other vehicles: if it is still installed in the vehicle, unless you
use a battery charger which has been tested
GWARNING and approved by Mercedes-Benz. A battery
During charging and jump-starting, explosivecharger unit specially adapted for Mercedes-
gasescanescapefromthebattery.ThereisaBenz vehicles and tested and approved by
risk of an explosion. Mercedes-Benz is available as an accessory.
Particularly avoid fire, open flames, creatingIt permits the charging of the battery in its
sparksandsmoking.Ensurethereissufficientinstalled position. Contact an authorized
ventilation while charging and jump-starting.Mercedes-Benz Center for further informa-
Donotleanoverabattery. tion and availability. Read the battery charg-
er's operating instructions before charging
GWARNING the battery.
Batteryacidiscaustic.Thereisariskofinjury.All vehicles except vehicles with a lith-
Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Doium-ion battery: if the indicator/warning
at low temperatures, it is very likely that the

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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