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owners manual Nissan Sentra

owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (5.72 MB) 459 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
4. Lower the vehicle slowly until the tireAdjust tire pressure to the COLD pressure. touches the ground. Then, with the wheelCOLD pressure: After vehicle has been nut wrench, tighten the wheel nuts securelyparked for 3 hours or more or driven less in the sequence illustrated ( A , B , C , D ,  than1mile(1.6km). E ). Lower the vehicle completely.  COLDtire pressures are shown on the Tire WARNING andLoadingInformation Label. ● Incorrect wheel nuts or improperlyAfter adjusting tire pressure to the COLD tightened wheel nuts can cause thetire pressure, the display of the tire pres- wheel to become loose or come off.sure information may show higher pres- This could cause an accident.sure than the COLD tire pressure after the ● Do not use oil or grease on the wheelvehicle has been driven more than 1 mile studsornuts.Thiscouldcausethenuts(1.6 km). WCE0056 to become loose. This is because the tire pressurizes as the Installing the spare tire ● Retighten the wheel nuts when the ve-tire temperature rises. This does not indi- hicle has been driven for 600 milescate a system malfunction. The spare tire is designed for emergency(1,000 km) (also in cases of a flat tire,5. Securely store the flat tire in the vehicle. use. For additional information, refer toetc.). “Wheels and tires” in the “Maintenance anddo-it-yourself”section of this manual.Assoonaspossible,tightenthewheelnuts 1. Clean any mud or dirt from the surface be-to the specified torque with a torque tween the wheel and hub. wrench. 2. Carefully put the spare tire on and tightenWheelnuttightening torque: the wheel nuts finger tight. 83 ft-lb (113 N·m) 3. With the wheel nut wrench, tighten wheelThe wheel nuts must be kept tightened to nuts alternately and evenly in the sequencespecification at all times. It is recom- illustrated ( A , B , C , D , E ) until they aremended that wheel nuts be tightened to  specification at each lubrication interval. tight. In case of emergency 6-7
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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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  2. Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 manuel du proprietaire FR
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