owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Features 345
Specifying and sending the destinationVehicle remote opening
address Youcanusethevehicle remote opening if you
XGotothewebsitehttp://maps.google.com have unintentionally locked your vehicle and a
andenteradestinationaddressintotheentryreplacement SmartKey is not available.
field. The vehicle can be opened by the Mercedes-
XTosendthedestinationaddresstothee- Benz Customer Assistance Center.
mail address of your mbrace account:The vehicle can be immediately opened
clickonthecorrespondingbuttonontheweb-remotely within four days of the ignition being
site. turnedoff.Afterthistime,theremoteunlocking
Example: maybedelayedby15to60minutes.After
If you select 'Send to vehicle' and then30days, the vehicle can no longer be opened
be sent to your vehicle. The vehicle remote unlocking feature is availa-
XWhenthe"Send"dialogwindowappears: bleiftherelevantmobilephonenetworkisavail-features
Enter the e-mail address you specified whenable and a data connection is possible.
setting up your mbrace account into the cor-XContactthefollowing service hotlines:and
responding field. Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Center
XClick "Send". at 1-800-FOR-MERCedes (1-800-367-6372)
Information on specific commands such asor 1-866-990-9007
"Address entry" or "Send" can be found on theYouwill be asked for your password.
website. XReturntoyourvehicleatthetimeagreeduponStowage
Calling up a transmitted destination with the Mercedes-Benz Customer Assis-
address tance Center.
Alternatively, the vehicle can be opened via:
XTurntheSmartKeytoposition2intheignitionRtheInternet, under the "Owners Online" sec-
lock (
Ypage162). tion
Thetransmitteddestinationaddressisloaded ®
into the vehicle's navigation system.Rthetelephoneapplication (e.g. for iPhone ,
Adisplay message appears, asking whetherAndroid)
navigation should be started. Todothis,youwillneedyouridentificationnum-
XSelectYes by turning 3orsliding 1 ber and password.
the controller and confirm with 7. Vehicle remote closing
The system calculates the route and subse-
quently starts the route guidance with theThevehicle remote-closing feature can be used
address entered. whenyouhaveforgottentolockthevehicleand
If you select No the address can be stored inyou are no longer nearby.
the address book. ThevehiclecanthenbelockedbytheMercedes-
If you have sent more than one destinationBenz Customer Assistance Center.
address, each individual destination must beThevehiclecanbeimmediatelyremotelylocked
confirmed separately. within four days of the ignition being turned off.
Destination addresses are loaded in the sameAfter this time, remote closing may be delayed
order as the order in which they were sent.by 15 to 60 minutes. After 30 days the vehicle
If youownmultipleMercedes-Benzvehicleswithcan no longer be locked remotely.
mbraceandactivated mbrace accounts: Thevehicleremoteclosingfeatureisavailableif
If multiple vehicles are registered under thethe relevant mobile phone network is available
samee-mail address, the destination will beand a data connection is possible.
sent to all the vehicles. XContactthefollowing service hotlines:
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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