owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Features 347
Information on Roadside AssistanceGeofencing
(Y page 26). Geofencingallowsyoutoselectareaswhichthe
Downloadingroutes vehicle should not enter or leave. You will be
informed if the vehicle crosses the boundaries
Downloading routes allows you to transfer andof the selected areas. You can select the way in
save predefined routes in the navigation sys-which you receive this information beforehand.
tem. Possibleoptionsincludetextmessage,e-mailor
Aroute can be prepared and sent by either aan automated call.
ers Online" at http://www.mbusa.com.a polygon with a maximum of ten corners. You
Each route can include up to four way points.canspecify up to ten areas simultaneously. Dif-
Oncearoutehasbeenreceivedbythenaviga-ferent settings are possible for each area.
tion system, you will see the External desti‐These settings can be called up under "Owners
nation ICON_POI_Category Name_1 hasOnline" at http://www.mbusa.com. features
been saved to "Previous destina‐ Alternatively,youcantriggeranMBInfocalland
tions". Would you like to start navi‐informthecustomerservicerepresentativethatand
gation? message on the multimedia systemyou wish to activate geo fencing.e
display. Currentlyinactiveareascanbeactivatedbytextag
The route is saved. message.
XTostartrouteguidance:selectYes. Triggering the vehicle alarm
Anoverview of the route is shown in the dis- Stow
play. With this function, you can trigger the vehicle's
If you select No, the saved route can be calledpanic alarm via text message. An alarm sounds
uplater in the navigation menu. and the exterior lighting flashes. Depending on
XSelect Start. thesetting,thepanicalarmlastsfiveortensec-
Starting route guidance. onds. Afterwards, the alarm switches off.
again. Garagedooropener
multimedia system operating instructions.General notes
Speedalert The HomeLink® garage door opener integrated
Youcandefine the upper speed limit, whichin the rear-view mirror allows you to operate up
mustnotbeexceededbythevehicle. to three different door and gate systems.
If this selectedspeedisexceededbythevehicle,Usetheintegrated garage door opener only on
a message will be sent to the Customer Assis-garage doors that:
tance Center. The Customer Assistance CenterRhavesafety stop and reverse features and
then forwards this information to you.RmeetcurrentU.S.federal safety standards
YoucanselectthewayinwhichyoureceivethisOnceprogramed, the integrated garage door
information beforehand. Possible optionsopener in the rear-view mirror will assume the
include text message, e-mail or an automatedfunction of the garage door system's remote
call. control. Please also read the operating instruc-
The data you receive contains the followingtions for the garage door system.
information: Whenprogrammingagaragedooropener,park
Rthelocationwherethespeedlimitwasexcee-the vehicle outside the garage. Do not run the
ded engine while programming.
Rthetimeatwhichthespeedlimitwasexcee-Certain garage door drives are incompatible
ded with the integrated garage door opener. If you
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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