owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
346 Features
Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance CenterThe Roadside Assistance Connected mes-
at 1-800-FOR-MERCedes (1-800-367-6372)sageappearsinthedisplay.IftheVehicleHealth
or 1-866-990-9007 Checkcanbestarted,theRequest for Vehi‐
Youwill be asked for your password. cle Diagnostics Received Start vehi‐
Thenexttimeyouareinsidethevehicleandyoucle diagnostics? message appears in the
switch on the ignition, the Doors Lockeddisplay.
display. XWhentheVehicle Diagnostics Please
Alternatively, the vehicle can be locked via:Start Ignitionmessageappears:turn the
RtheInternet, under the "Owners Online" sec-SmartKey to position 2 in the ignition lock
tion (Y page 162).
R ® XIf the Please follow the instructions
the telephone application (e.g. for iPhone ,received by phone and move your vehi‐
featuresAndroid) cle to a safe position. message
Todothis,youwillneedyouridentificationnum-appears: please follow the instructions
ber and password. receivedbyphoneandmoveyourvehicletoa
and safe position.
Stolen vehicle recovery service The message in the display disappears.
ageIf your vehicle has been stolen: The vehicle operating state check begins.
XNotify the police. Duringthisprocedure,youwillseetheVehi‐
The police will issue a numbered incidentcle Diagnostics Active message.
Stowreport. If you select Cancel, the Vehicle Health
Checkis canceled completely.
XThisnumberwill be forwarded to the Whenthecheckiscomplete,theSending
Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Centervehicle diagnostics data. (Voice con‐
together with your PIN. nection may be interrupted during
The Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistancedata transfer)messageappears.Thevehicle
Center then tries to locate the system. Thedata can now be sent.
Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance CenterXPresstheOKbuttontoconfirmthemessage.
contacts you and the local law enforcementThe voice connection with the Customer
agency if the vehicle is located. Assistance Center is terminated.
However,onlythelawenforcementagencyis The Vehicle Diagnostics: Transfer‐
informed of the location of the vehicle.ring Data. message appears.
If the anti-theft alarm system is activated forThe vehicle data is sent to the Customer
longer than 30 seconds, the Mercedes-BenzAssistance Center.
Customer Assistance Center is automatically
notified. Depending on what the customer service rep-
resentative agreed with you, the voice connec-
Vehicle Health Check tion is re-established after the transfer is com-
plete. If necessary, you will be contacted at a
With the Vehicle Health Check, the Customerlater time by another means, e.g. by e-mail or
Assistance Center can provide improved sup-phone.
port for problems with your vehicle. During anAnotherfunctionoftheVehicleHealthCheckis
existing call, vehicle data is transferred to thethe transfer of service data to the Customer
Customer Assistance Center. AssistanceCenter.Ifaserviceisdue,thedisplay
The customer service representative can useshowsamessagetothiseffect together with
the received data to decide what kind of assis-information about any special offers at your
tance is required. You are then, for example,workshop.
guided to the nearest authorized Mercedes-This information can also be called up under
Benz Center or a recovery vehicle is called."Owners Online" at http://www.mbusa.com.
If vehicle data needs to be transferred during anInformation on the data stored in the vehicle
MBInfocalloraRoadsideAssistancecall,thisis(Y page 29).
initiated by the Customer Assistance Center.
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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