owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
342 Features
gered. You cannot end an automatically trig-Makinganemergencycall
gered emergency call yourself.
Anemergencycall can also be initiated man-
ated, the indicator lamp in the SOS button
flashes. The Connecting Call message
appears in the multifunction display.
The audio output is muted.
Connected message appears in the multifunc-
tion display.
All important information on the emergency is
featurestransmitted, for example: XToinitiate an emergency call manually:
Rcurrentlocationofthevehicle(asdeterminedpress cover : briefly to open.
and by the GPS system) XPressandholdtheSOSbuttonforatleastone
Rvehicle identification number second ;.
Rinformation on the severity of the accidentThe indicator lamp in SOS button ; flashes
Shortly after the emergency call has been initi-until the emergency call is concluded.
ated, a voice connection is automatically estab-XWaitforavoiceconnectiontotheMercedes-
StowagelishedbetweentheCustomerAssistanceCenterBenz Customer Assistance Center.
and the vehicle occupants. XAfter the emergency call, close cover :.
RIf the vehicle occupants respond, theIf the mobile phone network is unavailable,
Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Centermbracewillnotbeabletomaketheemergency
attempts to get more information on thecall. If you leave the vehicle immediately after
emergency. pressing the SOS button, you will not know
RIfthereisnoresponsefromthevehicleoccu-whether mbrace placed the emergency call. In
pants, an ambulance is immediately sent tothis case, always summon assistance by other
the vehicle. means.
If no voice connection can be established to theRoadside Assistance button
Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Center,
gency call.
This can occur, for example, if the relevant
cator lamp in the SOS button flashes continu-
TheCall Failedmessageappearsinthemul-
tifunction display and must be confirmed.
In this case, summon assistance by other
side Assistance button :.
tomer Assistance Center.
The indicator lamp in Roadside Assistance
button :flasheswhilethecallisactive. The
Connecting Call message appears in the
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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