owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
ENGINEBLOCKHEATER(ifso To use the engine block heater:
equipped) (Canada only) 1. Turn the engine off.
Engineblockheatersareusedtoassistwithcold2. Openthehoodandunwraptheengineblock
temperature starting. heater cord.
The engine block heater should be used when3. Plug the engine block heater cord into a
the outside temperature is 20°F (-7°C) or lower.grounded 3-wire, 3-pronged extension
WARNING 4. Plug the extension cord into a Ground Fault
● Do not use your engine block heaterInterrupt (GFI) protected, grounded 110-
withanungroundedelectricalsystemorvolt AC (VAC) outlet.
a 2-pronged adapter. You can be seri-5. Theengineblockheatermustbepluggedin
ously injured by an electrical shock iffor at least two to four hours, depending on
you use an ungrounded connection.outside temperatures, to properly warm the
● Disconnect and properly store the en-engine coolant. Use an appropriate timer to
gine block heater cord before startingturn the engine block heater on.
the engine. Damage to the cord could6. Beforestartingtheengine,unplugandprop-
result in an electrical shock and canerly store the cord to keep it away from
cause serious injury. moving parts.
● Use a heavy-duty 3-wire, 3-pronged ex-
the extension cord into a Ground Fault
Interrupt(GFI) protected, grounded
110-VAC outlet. Failure to use the
proper extension cord or a grounded
outlet can result in a fire or electrical
shock and cause serious personal
Starting and driving 5-55

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