owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
WARNING close to locking up, the actuator rapidly appliesvarious sensors to monitor driver inputs and ve-
Do not pump the brake pedal. Doing soand releases hydraulic pressure. This action ishicle motion. Under certain driving conditions,
may resultinincreasedstoppingsimilar to pumping the brakes very quickly. Youthe VDC System helps to perform the following
distances. mayfeelapulsationinthebrakepedalandhearafunctions:
Self-test feature noisefromunderthehoodorfeelavibrationfrom● Controls brake pressure to reduce wheel
the actuator when it is operating. This is normalslip on 1 slipping drive wheel so power is
The ABS includes electronic sensors, electricandindicates that the ABS is operating properly.transferred to a non slipping drive wheel on
pumps,hydraulic solenoids and a computer. TheHowever, the pulsation may indicate that roadthe same axle.
computer has a built-in diagnostic feature thatconditions are hazardous and extra care is re-
tests the system each time you start the enginequired while driving.● Controls brake pressure and engine output
andmovethevehicleatalowspeedinforwardorBRAKEASSIST to reduce drive wheel slip based on vehicle
reverse. Whentheself-testoccurs,youmayhear speed (traction control function).
a“clunk”noiseand/orfeelapulsationinthebrakeWhen the force applied to the brake pedal ex-● Controlsbrakepressureatindividualwheels
pedal. This is normal and does not indicate aceedsacertainlevel,thebrakeassistisactivatedandengineoutputtohelpthedrivermaintain
malfunction. If the computer senses a malfunc-generating greater braking force than a conven-control of the vehicle in the following condi-
tion, it switches the ABS off and illuminates thetional brake booster even with light pedal force.tions:
ABSwarning light on the instrument panel. TheWARNING – understeer (vehicle tends to not follow
brakesystemthenoperatesnormally,butwithout thesteeredpathdespiteincreasedsteer-
anti-lock assistance. The brake assist is only an aid to assisting input)
braking operation and is not a collision
If the ABS warning light illuminates during thewarningoravoidancedevice.itisthedriv-– oversteer (vehicle tends to spin due to
self-testor while driving, have the vehicleersresponsibilitytostayalert,drivesafelycertain road or driving conditions)
checked by a NISSAN dealer. andbeincontrolofthevehicleatalltimes.The VDC system can help the driver to maintain
Normal operation controlofthevehicle,butitcannotpreventlossof
vehicle control in all driving situations.
- 10 km/h). The speed varies according to road
Starting and driving 5-45

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year of production from: 2013

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