owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
● Thehilldescentcontrolmaynotcontrol● Once the system is activated, the indicator
thevehiclespeedonahillunderallload light will remain on in the instrument panel.
or road conditions. Always be preparedFor additional information, refer to “Hill de-
to depress the brake pedal to controlscentcontrolsystemonindicatorlight”inthe
vehicle speed. Failure to do so may re-“Instruments and controls” section of this
sult in a collision or serious personalmanual.
injury. If the accelerator or brake pedal is depressed
Thehill descent control system can only be acti-while the hill descent control system is on, the
vated when the AWD LOCK switch is engaged.system will stop operating temporarily. As soon
astheaccelerator or brake pedal is released, the
The hill descent control system helps maintainhill descent control system begins to function
vehicle speed when driving under 15 MPHagain if the hill descent control operating condi-
(25 km/h) on steeper downhill grades. Hill de-tions are fulfilled.
scentcontrolisusefulwhenenginebrakingaloneFor the best results, when descending steep LSD2190
cannot control vehicle speed. Hill descent con-downhill grades, the hill descent control switch
trol applies the vehicle brakes to control vehicleshould be ON and the shift lever in L (Low gear)WARNING
speed allowing the driver to concentrate onfor engine braking. ● Never rely solely on the hill start assist
steering while reducing the burden of brake and systemtopreventthevehiclefrommov-
accelerator operation. ing backward on a hill. Always drive
If the hill descent control light is blinking, the hill carefully and attentively. Depress the
descent control is engaged; however, the hill brakepedalwhenthevehicleisstopped
descent control will not control the vehicle on a steep hill. Be especially careful
speed. when stopped on a hill on frozen or
● When additional braking is required on hicle from rolling backwards may result
steep downhill roads, activate the hill de- in a loss of control of the vehicle and
scent control system by pushing the switch possible serious injury or death.
ON. For additional information, refer to “Hill
descent control switch” in the “Instruments
and controls”section of this manual.
5-52 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2013

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