owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
● The hill start assist system is not de-Themaximumholdingtimeistwoseconds.AfterFREEINGAFROZENDOORLOCK
signedtoholdthevehicleatastandstilltwo seconds the vehicle will begin to roll backTo prevent a door lock from freezing, apply de-
onahill. Depressthebrakepedalwhenandhillstartassistwillstopoperatingcompletely.icer through the key hole. If the lock becomes
the vehicle is stopped on a steep hill.Hill start assist will not operate when the shiftfrozen, heat the key before inserting it into the key
Failure to do so may cause the vehiclelever is shifted into N (Neutral) or P (Park) or on ahole, or use the NISSAN Intelligent Key®.
to roll backwards and may result in aflat and level road.
collision or serious personal injury. ANTIFREEZE
● Thehill start assist may not prevent the In the winter when it is anticipated that the tem-
vehicle from rolling backwards on a hill perature will drop below 32°F (0°C), check the
under all load or road conditions. Al- antifreeze to assure proper winter protection. For
waysbepreparedtodepressthebrake additional information, refer to “Engine cooling
pedaltopreventthevehiclefromrolling system” in the “Maintenance and do-it-yourself”
backwards. Failure to do so may result section of this manual.
in a collision or serious personal injury. BATTERY
Whenthevehicleisstoppedonahill,thehillstart If the battery is not fully charged during extremely
assist system automatically keeps the brakes ap- cold weather conditions, the battery fluid may
plied. This helps prevent the vehicle from rolling freeze and damagethebattery.Tomaintainmaxi-
backwardinthetimeittakesthedrivertorelease mum efficiency, the battery should be checked
the brake pedal and apply the accelerator. regularly. For additional information, refer to “Bat-
Hill start assist will operate automatically under tery”in the “Maintenanceanddo-it-yourself”sec-
the following conditions: tion of this manual.
● The shift lever is shifted to a forward or
reverse gear.
● The vehicle is stopped completely on a hill
by applying the brake.
Starting and driving 5-53

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year of production from: 2013

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