owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
The Active Engine Brake function adds subtle
deceleration by controlling CVT gear ratio, de-
pending on the cornering condition calculated
from driver’s steering input and plural sensors.
This benefit is for easier traceability and less
workload of adjusting speed with braking at cor-
The Active Engine Brake also enhances braking
feel by adding subtle deceleration with CVT gear
ratio control according to driver’s brake pedal
LSD2185The Active Engine Brake can be set to ON (en-
When the Active Trace Control is operated and abled) or OFF (disabled) through the Vehicle
WARNING Information Display “Settings” page. For addi-
the“ChassisControl”modeisselectedinthetrip tional information, refer to “Vehicle Information
computer, the Active Trace Control graphics areTheactive trace control may not be effec-Display” in the “Instruments and Controls” sec-
shownin the vehicle information display. For ad-tive depending on the driving condition.tion of this manual.
ditional information, refer to “Trip Computer” inAlways drive carefully and attentively.
the “Instruments and Controls” section of thisWhentheActive Trace Control is operating, you
manual. mayfeelapulsationinthebrakepedalandheara
If the chassis control warning message appearsnoise. This is normal and indicates that the active
in the vehicle information display, it may indicatetrace control is operating properly.
that the Active Trace Control is not functioningEven if the Active Trace Control is set to OFF,
properly. HavethesystemcheckedbyaNISSANsomefunctions will remain on to assist the driver
dealer as soon as possible. (for example: avoidance scenes).
Starting and driving 5-49

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year of production from: 2013

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