owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Features 325
Thembracesystem Havethesystemcheckedatthenearest
Toadjustthevolumeduringacall,proceedasauthorized Mercedes-Benz Center or contact
follows: the following service hotlines:
XPresstheWorXbuttononthemul- Mercedes-BenzCustomerAssistanceCenter
tifunction steering wheel. at 1-800-FOR-MERCedes (1-800-367-6372)
or 1-866-990-9007
XUsetheCOMAND/Audio20volumecon- Emergencycall
trol. Important safety notes
The system offers various services, e.g.:GWARNING
RAutomatic and manual emergency callIt can be dangerous to remain in the vehicle,
RRoadsideAssistance call evenifyouhavepressedtheSOSbuttoninanfeatures
RMBInfocall emergency if: d
all available features under "Owners Online"cle, e.g. if there is a fire after an accidente
at http://www.mbusa.com. ag
Rthevehicle is on a dangerous section ofw
Systemself-test road
After you have switched on the ignition, theRthevehicleisnotvisibleorcannoteasilybeSto
system carries out a self-diagnosis. seenbyotherroadusers,particularlywhen
dark or in poor visibility conditions
Amalfunction in the system has been detec-There is a risk of an accident and injury.
ted if one of the following occurs:Leave the vehicle immediately in this or simi-
RTheindicator lamp in the SOS button doeslar situations as soon as it is safe to do so.
not come on during the system self-test.Movetoasafelocationalongwithothervehi-
RTheindicator lamp in the F Roadsidecle occupants. In such situations, secure the
Assistance button does not light up duringvehicle in accordance with national regula-
self-diagnosis of the system. tions, e.g. with a warning triangle.
RTheindicatorlampintheïMBInfocall General notes
button does not light up during self-diag-Observe the notes on system activation
nosis of the system. (Y page 324).
RTheindicator lamp in one or more of theAnemergencycallisdialedautomaticallyifan
following buttons continues to light up redair bag or Emergency Tensioning Device is
after the system self-diagnosis:triggered. You cannot end an automatically
-SOSbutton triggered emergency call yourself.
-FRoadsideAssistancecallbutton Anemergencycallcanalsobeinitiated man-
-ïMBInfocallbutton ually.
RTheInoperativeortheService Not Assoonastheemergencycallhasbeenini-
Activated message appears in the multi-tiated, the indicator lamp in the SOS button
function display after the system self-diag-flashes. The Connecting Call message
nosis. appears in the multifunction display.
If a malfunction is indicated as outlinedThe audio output is muted.
ted. In the event of an emergency, help will
have to be summoned by other means.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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