owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Stowageareas 315
under the cargo compartment floor.
cargo net.
XUnroll and unfold the cargo net.
The upper and lower guide rods must
engage audibly.
Attaching and tightening the cargo net
:Coathook features
EASY-PACKload-securingkit and
General notes
The EASY-PACK load-securing kit allows youStowage
to use your cargo compartment for a variety
Cargo net installed behind the C-pillarof purposes. The following accessory parts
XToattachandtighten:insertguiderod:are located under the cargo compartment
into bracket ; and slide forwards.floor:
XAttachbelt hook ? to the cargo tie-downRatelescopic rod
ring and pull down on the loose end of theRtwomountingelements
lashing strap until the cargo net is taut.Rtworetaining feet
XAfter driving a short distance, check theImportant safety notes
tension of the cargo net and retighten it if
necessary. GWARNING
XToloosenanddetach:pullbeltclamp= If youdrivewhenthecargocompartmentfloor
uptoreducethetension in the lashingis open, objects could be flung around, thus
strap. striking vehicle occupants. There is a risk of
XUnhookbelthook?fromthecargotie- injury, particularly in the event of sudden
downring. braking or a sudden change in direction.
XDetachguiderod:frombracket;. Always close the cargo compartment floor
Storing the cargo net before a journey.
guide rods.
XFoldthecargonetandroll it up.
net holder.
under the cargo compartment floor.

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year of production from: 2015

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