owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
328 Features
Youcanfind further information on theDownloadingdestinations
mbracesystemunder"OwnersOnline"at Downloadingdestinations
The system has not been able to initiate anDownloading destinations gives you access
MBInfocall, if: to a database with over 15 million points of
interest (POIs). These can be downloaded on
Rtheindicator lamp in MB Info call buttonthe navigation system in your vehicle. If you
ïisflashingcontinuously. knowthedestination, the address can be
Customer Assistance Center was estab-location of Points of Interest (POIs)/impor-
lished. tant destinations in the vicinity.
This can occur if the relevant mobile phoneFurthermore, you can download routes with
featuresnetwork is not available, for example.uptofour way points.
The Call Failed message appears in theYouarepromptedtoconfirmroute guidance
andmultifunction display. to the address entered.
XToendacall:pressthe~buttononthe XSelectYesbyturning3orsliding1
multifunction steering wheel. the controller and confirm with 7.
or The system calculates the route and sub-
StowageXPressthecorresponding COMAND/Audiosequently starts the route guidance with
20button for ending a phone call. the address entered.
If youselectNotheaddresscanbestoredin
Call priority the address book.
Whenservice calls are active, e.g. RoadsideThe destination download function is availa-
Assistance or MB Info calls, an emergencyble if:
callcanstillbeinitiated.Inthiscase,anemer-Rthevehicle is equipped with a navigation
gency call will take priority and override allsystem.
other active calls. Rtherelevantmobilephonenetworkisavail-
The indicator lamp of the respective buttonable and data transfer is possible.
flashes until the call is ended. RouteAssistance
AnemergencycallcanonlybeterminatedbyThis service is part of the mbrace PLUS Pack-
the Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistanceage and cannot be purchased separately.
All other calls can be ended by pressing:Youcanusetherouteassistance function
Rthe~buttononthemultifunctionsteer-igation system.
ing wheel Within the framework of this service, you
Rthecorresponding button in COMAND/receive a professional and reliable form of
Audio 20 to end the voice call navigation support without having to leave
Whenacallisinitiated, the audio system isyour vehicle.
muted. The customer service representative finds a
The mobile phone is no longer connected tosuitable route depending on your vehicle's
COMAND/Audio20. current position and the desired destination.
However, if you want to use your mobileYouwill then be guided live through the cur-
phone,dosoonlywhenthevehicleisstation-rent route section.
ary and in a safe location.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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