owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Features 335
ous angles at a distance between 2andXTurntheSmartKeytoposition2intheigni-
12inches(5to30cm)oratthesameangle Ypage153).
tion lock (
but at varying distances. XPressandholdbuttons;and?.
RIfanotherremotecontrolisavailablefortheThe indicator lamp initially lights up yellow
samegaragedoordrive, repeat the sameand then green.
programingstepswiththisremotecontrol.XReleasebuttons ;and?.
Before performing these steps, make sureThe memory of the integrated garage door
that new batteries have been installed inopener in the rear-view mirror is cleared.
garage door drive remote control A.
mit for a limited amount of time (the indi-Floormats
PressbuttonBonremotecontrolAagain features
before transmission ends. Objectsinthedriver'sfootwellcanrestrictthe
RAligntheantennacableofthegaragedoorpedal travel or obstruct a depressed pedal.and
tion/transmission. jeopardized. There is a risk of an accident.
Makesurethatall objects in the vehicle are
Opening/closing the garage door stowed correctly, and that they cannot enterStowage
After it has been programmed,theintegratedthe driver's footwell. Install the floormats
garage door opener assumes the function ofsecurely and as specified in order to ensure
the garage door system's remote control.sufficientclearanceforthepedals.Donotuse
Please also read the operating instructionsloosefloormatsanddonotplacefloormatson
for the garage door system. top of one another.
tion lock (
cator lamp : lights up green.
Garage door system with a rolling code:
indicator lamp : flashes green.
The transmitter will transmit a signal as
long as the button is pressed. The trans-
mission is halted after a maximum of tenXSlide the relevant seat back.
seconds and indicator lamp : lights upXToinstall: place the floormat in the foot-
yellow. well.
XPressbutton;,=or?againifneces- XPressstuds:ontoretainers;.
XToremove:pullthefloormatoff retain-
Clearing the memory ers ;.
Makesurethatyouclear the memory of theXRemovethefloormat.
integrated garage door opener before selling
the vehicle.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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