owners manual Mitsubishi ASX
owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Washer fluid Brake fluid/Clutch fluid*
E01000700832 E01000800631
OpОn thО аashОr ПluiН rОsОrvoir cap anН chОck thОThО brakО ПluiН anН thО clutch ПluiН sharО thО rОsОr-
Concentrations exceeding 60 % will re-
lОvОl oП аashОr ПluiН аith thО Нipstick. voir tank.
sult in a reduction of both the anti-freeze
IП thО lОvОl is loа, rОplОnish thО containОr аith аash-
and cooling performance thus adversely
Оr ПluiН.
To check the fluid level
affecting the engine.
ThО ПluiН lОvОl must bО bОtаООn thО “MAX” anН
Do not top up with water only.
“MIN” marks on thО rОsОrvoir.
Water by itself reduces the rust-protec-
tive and anti-freeze qualities of the cool-
ant and has a lower boiling point. It can
also cause damage to the cooling system if
it should freeze. Do not use tapwater, as it
can cause corrosion and rust formation. FULL
During cold weather
IП thО tОmpОraturОs in вour arОa Нrop bОloа ПrООz-
ing, thОrО is thО НangОr that thО coolant in thО Оn-
ginО or raНiator coulН ПrООzО anН causО sОvОrО Нam-
agО to thО ОnginО anН/or raНiator. AНН a suППiciОnt
amount oП anti-ПrООzО to thО coolant to prОvОnt it
Пrom ПrООzing.
ThО аashОr ПluiН containОr sОrvОs thО аinН-
ThО concОntration shoulН bО chОckОН bОПorО thО
scrООn, rОar аinНoа anН hОaНlamps (iП soThО ПluiН lОvОl is monitorОН bв a Пloat. WhОn thО
start oП colН аОathОr anН anti-ПrООzО aННОН to thО
ОquippОН). ПluiН lОvОl Пalls bОloа thО “MIN” mark, thО brakО
sвstОm iП nОcОssarв.
ПluiН аarning lamp lights up.
ThО ПluiН lОvОl Пalls slightlв аith аОar oП thО brakО
During cold weather
paНs, but this НoОs not inНicatО anв abnormalitв.
To ОnsurО propОr opОration oП thО аashОrs at loа
tОmpОraturОs, usО a ПluiН containing an anti-ПrООz-
ThО ПluiН in thО mastОr cвlinНОr shoulН bО chОckОН
ing agОnt.
аhОn Нoing othОr аork unНОr thО bonnОt. ThО
brakО sвstОm shoulН also bО chОckОН Пor lОakagО at
thО samО timО.
IП thО ПluiН lОvОl Пalls markОНlв in a short lОngth oП
timО, it inНicatОs lОaks Пrom thО brakО sвstОm.
IП this occurs, аО rОcommОnН вou to havО thО vОhi-
clО chОckОН.
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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