owners manual Mitsubishi ASX
owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
WО rОcommОnН вou to havО thО battОrв chОckОН bО-
DiОsОl-poаОrОН vОhiclОs
ПorО thО start oП colН аОathОr anН, iП nОcОssarв,
havО it chargОН or rОplacОН.
Never short-circuit the battery. This
This НoОs not onlв ОnsurО rОliablО starting, but a bat-
could cause it to overheat and be damaged.
tОrв аhich is kОpt Пullв chargОН also has a longОr liПО.
If the battery is to be quick-charged, first
disconnect the battery cables.
Disconnection and connection
In order to prevent a short circuit, be
E01011000079 l
To НisconnОct thО battОrв cablО, stop thО ОnginО, sure to disconnect the negative (-) termi-
Пirst НisconnОct thО nОgativО (-) tОrminal anН thОn nal first.
thО positivО (+) tОrminal. Always wear protective eye goggles when
WhОn connОcting thО battОrв, Пirst connОct thО posi- working near the battery.
tivО (+) tОrminal anН thОn thО nОgativО (-) tОrminal. Do not bring the nearby parts, the plastic
parts and so on into contact with sulphu-
ric acid (battery electrolyte) which may
crack, stain or discolour them.
OpОn thО tОrminal covОr (A) bОПorО Нiscon-
l Keep sparks, cigarettes, and flames away
l If they are in contact, wipe off with soft
nОcting or connОcting thО positivО (+) tОrmi-
from the battery because the battery
cloth, chamois or the like and an aqueous
nal oП thО battОrв.
could explode.
solution of neutral detergent then imme-
LoosОn thО nut (B), anН thОn НisconnОct thО
l The battery electrolyte is extremely caus-
l diately rinse the affected parts with plen-
battОrв cablО Пrom thО positivО (+) tОrminal.
tic. Do not allow it to come in contact
ty of water.
with your eyes, skin, clothing, or the pain-
ted surfaces of the vehicle.
PОtrol-poаОrОН vОhiclОs
Spilt electrolyte should be flushed imme-NOTE
diately with ample amounts of water. KООp thО tОrminals clОan. AПtОr thО battОrв is
Irritation to eyes or skin from contactconnОctОН, applв tОrminal protОction grОasО.
with electrolyte requires immediate medi- To clОan thО tОrminals, usО lukОаarm аatОr.
cal attention. ChОck to sОО iП thО battОrв is sОcurОlв instal-
Ventilate when charging or using the bat- lОН anН cannot bО movОН Нuring travОl. Also
tery in an enclosed space. chОck Оach tОrminal Пor tightnОss.
WhОn thО vОhiclО is to bО lОПt unusОН Пor a
long pОrioН oП timО, rОmovО thО battОrв anН
storО it in a placО аhОrО thО battОrв ПluiН аill
not ПrООzО. ThО battОrв shoulН bО storОН onlв
Keep it out of reach of children. in a Пullв chargОН conНition.
Never disconnect the battery with the ig-
nition switch or the operation mode in
ON. Doing so could damage electric com-
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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