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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

Document: pdf (8.53 MB) 368 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Maintenance Anti-freeze To add coolant Engine coolant E01000501547 ThО ОnginО coolant contains an ОthвlОnО glвcol anti- corrosion agОnt. SomО parts oП thО ОnginО arО cast Petrol-powered vehicles aluminium alloв, anН pОrioНic changing oП thО Оn- To check the coolant level ThО cooling sвstОm is a closОН sвstОm anН normal- ginО coolant is nОcОssarв to prОvОnt corrosion oП A transparОnt coolant rОsОrvО tank (A) is locatОН inlв thО loss oП coolant shoulН bО vОrв slight. A no- thОsО parts. thО ОnginО compartmОnt. ticОablО Нrop in thО coolant lОvОl coulН inНicatО lОak- ThО coolant lОvОl in this tank shoulН bО kОpt bО-agО. IП this occurs, аО rОcommОnН вou to havО thО UsО “DIA QUEEN SUPER LONG LIFE COOL- tаООn thО “LOW” anН “FULL” marks аhОn mОas- sвstОm chОckОН as soon as possiblО. ANT PREMIUM” or ОquivalОnt*. urОН аhilО thО ОnginО is colН. IП thО lОvОl shoulН Нrop bОloа thО “LOW” lОvОl on *: similar high qualitв ОthвlОnО glвcol basОН non- thО rОsОrvО tank, opОn thО liН anН aНН coolant. silicatО, nonaminО, non-nitratО anН non-boratО cool- Also, iП thО rОsОrvО tank is complОtОlв Оmptв, rО- PОtrol-poаОrОН vОhiclОs ant аith long liПО hвbriН organic aciН tОchnologв movО thО raНiator cap (B) anН aНН coolant until thО MITSUBISHI GОnuinО Coolant has ОбcОllОnt pro- lОvОl rОachОs thО ПillОr nОck. tОction against corrosion anН rust Пormation oП all FULL mОtals incluНing aluminium anН can avoiН block- agОs in thО raНiator, hОatОr, cвlinНОr hОaН, ОnginО WARNING block, Оtc. LOW Do not open the radiator cap (B) while l BОcausО oП thО nОcОssitв oП this anti-corrosion the engine is hot. The coolant system is un- agОnt, thО coolant must not bО rОplacОН аith plain der pressure and any hot coolant escap- аatОr ОvОn in summОr. ThО rОquirОН concОntration ing could cause severe burns. oП anti-ПrООzО НiППОrs НОpОnНing on thО ОбpОctОН am- biОnt tОmpОraturО. Diesel-powered vehicles AbovО -35 °C: 50 % concОntration oП anti-ПrООzО ThО cooling sвstОm is a closОН sвstОm anН normal- DiОsОl-poаОrОН vОhiclОs BОloа -35 °C: 60 % concОntration oП anti-ПrООzО lв thО loss oП coolant shoulН bО vОrв slight. A no- ticОablО Нrop in thО coolant lОvОl coulН inНicatО lОak- agО. IП this occurs, аО rОcommОnН вou to havО thО FULL sвstОm chОckОН as soon as possiblО. CAUTION IП thО lОvОl shoulН Нrop bОloа thО “LOW” lОvОl on Do not use alcohol or methanol anti- l LOW thО rОsОrvО tank, opОn thО liН anН aНН coolant. freeze or any engine coolants mixed with alcohol or methanol anti-freeze. The use of an improper anti-freeze can cause cor- WARNING rosion of the aluminium components. 8 Do not use water to adjust the concentra- Do not open the reserve tank cap (C) l l while the engine is hot. The coolant sys- tion of coolant. tem is under pressure and any hot cool- ant escaping could cause severe burns. 8-06
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year of production from: 2010

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